Shutting down again, You got to be kidding me

so first get over it then get over yourself. People are frustrated regardless of your small opinion of being mad at people.

I’d rather they work on the bugs and possible exploits early rather than a week later so this is pretty normal. Should blizz have everything under control after yesterday? Probably, but their code is nearly 20 years old, and updating code, I’m sure, takes time. We’ll all be okay for an hour or two!

You’ve gotta be kitten me!

And? He had enough common sense to know that there are probably going to be issues the first couple days, and would not take a day off right away. Someone who is not a gamer had enough common sense to know that.

Is it ideal? No. Should the patch have been tested better? Sure. Are the PTR’s even helpful? No because most players go there to “see the content” rather than provide meaningful feedback. But it is what it is, and this is the way this game has been since vanilla. Updates break things, and they need to be fixed.


Are we unsubbing?


I’m going to take advantage of this maintenance to go make myself a lovely breakfast with a nice hot cup of coffee. :dracthyr_yay_animated:


I usually check this soon after a big down day, but yeah
it caught me by surprise lol.
Did just sell a 30k gold battle pet I found a few days ago wandering around old content, so that was good.

right after the face slap, lol

0/10, you realize that whatever that poster does for work has zero bearing on the fact that the team had months to get ready for this and still fumbled badly (status quo).

One of these days people will apply the same performance standards to tech as any other trade. Last point as someone who grew up in the 80’s/90’s, when games launched they worked. Simpler? Yes. However this game has been around for 18 years. So the patching process should be a lot more streamlined than it is. We’re customers discussing a product after all.


Doesn’t anyone table flip anymore?


It’s a kick in the eye.

Ok? I never said to the contrary

Again And?

I never said they didn’t?

All I said was and? 

And honestly I don’t care if it comes up or goes down The patch doesn’t start till next week for me anyways

I ran Beta for a while. There were bugs and twitches once DF went live that werent there on beta. Sometimes crap just shows up that wasnt there before.


They were forgetting to move the PC first so had to stop due to the expense.

Maybe they are balancing out the server? I couldn’t play last night at all, it was all horde and they would rather kill me than do the content, I know I suck at PVP so I’m not complaining.

Fine be frustrated. Keep it to yourself. Nobody wants to hear constant complaining.

Watch this “1 hour” maintenance turn into 4 hours since they’ve been doing such a bang-up job so far on this patch

If one of you have developed a way to roll out a patch on a server farm across multiple countries in very short period of time and with a 100% success rate on the first try you are going to be very wealthy.

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Lag was crazy lastnight. This was with like only 10 players at the bloom. You hit an ability, and you were lucky if it went off. Had a heck of a time with Kill Command working, along with Chickarm or however you spell it, it hardly ever went off.

The clipping with my DR mount was crazy, and half the time when landing half the dragon would be under ground. Vigor generation was almost non existent, no matter how you angled the mount.

It was a mess!

This is because they insert things into live that weren’t in beta or were not tested in beta. Adding/removing talents etc. So again, it’s rather hard to justify this b/c it goes to basic planning and execution which is severely lacking. Wait till Mythic raid launches, there’s another example of piss poor execution leading to bugs/cheese due to lack of proper testing and implementation.

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