Shrine of Seven Stars Stormwind portal BROKEN?

My Garrison Hearthstone usually DC’s me. Probably because for some reason my Garrison is on an US instance server and not an OCE one. Because get this, transferring from an OCE server to an OCE server makes your garrison a US server. In the expansion where the OCE servers were moved to Sydney Australia.

And Blizzard to this day refuses to investigate why that is and any potential fixes.

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When I used the SW portal in the Cavern of Times, it spawned me in Swamp of Sorrows. That was fun.

I totally understand these bugs though. They have only been doing this for 20 years.

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i dont have that on my horde chars. i think they just simply hate alliance :crazy_face:

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It’s the true anniversary to experience the Stonetalon ship bug.
At least, the emotions where everyone was super confused the first time it happened is.


It’s not just the portal to Stormwind. It affects Mage ports and the Garrison Hearthstone too. There are a million reports of this and it’s been happening since the downtime on Tuesday but I haven’t seen Blizzard say anything about it yet.

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She’s operating the Focusing Iris with her feet… she keeps rubbing her gross piggies on it… it’s horrifying.


unfortunately, it’s my hearth and I took it again when I accidentally hearthed after being stuck in silverpine where it ressed me and i took it again and fell…this time i was prepared with levitate though!..and then after raid we all went there so I could show my guildies what it did and it ported us all there :rofl:

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Happened to me today using that portal from the Vale to SW only it wasn’t the crater. I was dropped over Fenris Isle, thankfully I had a goblin glider. Also, cloak of coordination dropped my lock in Gilneas the other day & THREE times today using the portal to SW from Caverns of Time dropped me in the ocean off of Swamp of Sorrows. WTH right?!?!

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No, horde has the horrible phasing issue with the undercity. Every time I port over to undercity I have to go talk to the bronze dragon lady, twice, to get the phase w/Hallows End & the wickerman to show up (with EVERY horde toon, every time.)

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This is undoubtedly a different issue. But just out of curiosity, when you manage to return to the game, where is your character located?

You are too kind. These portals did not break themselves. No doubt they have a simple mistake-proof utility for implementing portal destinations. This was entirely intentional. They’re upset at all the players who have chosen to get away from counterproductive design decisions by running old content. This is to punish them.


Dornogol, as that is where my normal hearthstone is set.

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It is broken. I ended up dead near old old Dalaran.

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thats nothing new this exists since they made a 3rd uc version

I’m amazed. All this talk of broken portals and not a single Horde player has brought up attempting to port to Undercity?

If you’re in post-BfA phasing, you SHOULD get ported to Zidormi just outside of the city and plague zone. UC portals are dropping players right into the old pre-BfA arrival point, but the entire city is plagued and a no mount zone. There’s literally no getting out of there alive as the massive pile of bones at the arrival point can attest to. Thankfully, the graveyard you spawn at auto revives you after a set time with no need to take resurrection sickness. Even so, it’s still a massive PITA to travel there currently.

EDIT: Ok, didn’t scroll far enough down to see this, but my point stands as Dekky didn’t mention getting stuck inside the city with the wrong phase. I’m surprised it took Alliance players to point this one out, especially since UC is a massive central area during Hallow’s End.

I used my Cloak of Stormwind the other day & ended up in the Gilneas graveyard?

Happened to my hunter when trying to portal to garrison from the center of caverns of time, just stuck in an infinite falling loop. Had to close the client, when I came back I was in the southernmost part of shadowmoon.

I wonder if that’s why 2/3 Stormwind cloaks give “item not found” when you try to buy them :scream_cat: