They would tell u its a known issue and post in the bug forum.
i to have the same issue with it saying im on my old server and not my current one
I have gone in and deleted my old files from the previous server in WTF, deleted the new files to force a new download of WTF, and still, the old name and server name show up.
DRIVES ME CRAZY because they can click on my name and invite me to a group.
it fixed itself today only to unfix itself the moment i updated my addons, which doesnt make sense because disabling all addons and wiping that specific toon’s wtf folder did not fix it. my ticket remains open.
Having the same problem. All 11 classes that are on Hyjal are showing names/guilds/servers from almost 3 years ago during BFA. No one in the guild can see me online.
Did you make a ticket for each toon affected? Or just named each one on the ticket?
With this not seeing a fix in sight and my wanting to still transfer three more toons plus my AH toon with its own guild bank (fingers crossed that THAT goes swimmingly!), i can only hope that everything’ll be remedied by Dragonflight!
I did the same thing as you nothing helped, I also uninstalled the game and reinstalled it still same thing is happening. This all started after the 16 hour patch thing i have a ticket that says 23 day 16 hours really !!! dragon flight will be here then. I’ve read this is happening to so many people but i haven’t seen a solution ?
I’m having the same issue. GM of my guild which makes things extra annoying as people are having trouble being able to whisper me or invite me to groups. One of my toons -server keeps switching between a few servers that she’s been on. Quite annoying. Really hoping they fix this soon….
Having the same issue, what’s interesting though is I was on Tich, transferred to Zul’jin and then transferred to Mal’ganis. When I’m on Mal’ganis now, it shows I’m on Tich. Wasn’t an issue on Zul’jin that I could see/tell but I was only there for a few days. I opened a ticket about it and haven’t gotten a response (Insert obiligtory Small Indie Company burn here). Would be super spiffy if this got resolved before the xpac since I can’t interact with anything as far as my guild goes.
Thanks Ruffle, so it looks like they’re at least aware of the issue even if it’s not yet resolved.