Show Your Gratitude During Love is in the Air

im not mad about it glad its gone, most people botted farming the charms anyway

good question id also like to know

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Toggle warmode, this fixed it for my friend and some hordies in trade.

Also since we can’t farm charms anymore and get tokens how are we supposed to get all these new items. I play a single character I don’t run an alt army and I’m sure others are in the same boat. Is it possible to get enough from the dailies and the boss. I hope its possible :confused:

WM didnt work for me

gets mailed to you

Well then its slow cause nothing is in the mail unless that’s also bugged lmao

Donated 500 got 5 tokens lol

Someone said 10k gives 10 tokens

Finally came in for 10,000 gold donated I got 10 Love tokens

Horde characters just waiting for the quest non-player character to finally remove their invisibility potion

Two words: alternate characters.

I got two words for you but Blizz says I can’t post em.


i don’t play alliance so i literally can’t do the dailies
 so at this point blizzard has two words for me that we can’t say.

If the dailies aren’t up for Horde by tomorrow, is it possible to have some sort of compensation? 30 love tokens when there’s no way to infinitely farm them anymore is a LOT of love tokens, especially if you’re running on alts. It adds up quick

You get 135 from the quest chain. 8 from the boss you can do for 14 days plus the dailies which seem to be 20 per day plus 10 from the intro quest. That gets you far more than 270 which again is all you need on one toon. You probably do not even need the dailies or if you do you do not need to do them more than once or twice per toon.

I love being an altoholic. I want a ton of stuff, so I am going to use my alt army. One toon can buy the new mount, another can buy some tmogs, another the toy etc so I can get it all easily. ALTS ARE THE WAY.

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Example #23545454564646 of people that dunno what p2w means lol

Let’s see and compare for those who don’t want to run multiple alts.

Old event dailies:

  • Crown Chemical Daily 10 tokens (deadly simple, throw chocolates or spray perfume on 10 npcs)
  • Detective Daily, go to Silverpine or w/e and blow up a chemical wagon and kill some dudes 10 tokens (annoying tbh)
  • Dungeon Daily, do the holiday dungeon, talk to detective after 10 tokens (believe you had to do the detective daily first)
    –30 tokens so far daily
    Add in the ability to farm charms (annoying admittedly after lots of cheap ways of doing it with rapid low hp mobs were nerfed) and do the faction leader charm bracelet daily turn-ins and you have 10x4=40 potential more tokens
    –30+40=70 potential daily tokens
    +5-15 tokens from dungeon heart box per character per day = 75-90 tokens/daily

New Event:

  • Two daily quests, 10 tokens each, 20 tokens total daily.
    +5-15 tokens from dungeon heart box per character per day = 25-40 tokens/daily

If the quest for dealing with the crown outside shadowfang is a daily (I hope and assume it is), that’s another 10-15 tokens so 35-55/tokens daily depending on luck

You need 840 Love Tokens JUST to get all the stuff newly added this year. If you previously didn’t get the old stuff in other years or are a new player you’d need well over a thousand.

You get a starting amount of 150 tokens for doing the questline annually (there was an old questline added after Cata that also rewarded tokens but I don’t remember how many though I recollect it being somewhere around a hundred at least). Bringing us to 690 tokens that must be earned.

690/14 days that the event runs (and many people work or have lives and may have to miss a day or several) = 49.28 tokens a day needed to get everything added this year which means it’s possible to do it with one character but you’d have to do all dailies every single day without fail plus get lucky on most days with the amount of tokens in the dungeon heart loot box.

I think the event would be improved by showing players love by bumping the amount of love tokens from the dailies to 15 or 20 each or adding another daily, one to return to the village outside the holiday dungeon for another 10 tokens.

I will definitely miss the old quest-line with the goblin lover and tracking him down a bit.

Overall, bad greedy change selling tokens while drastically reducing the daily earning potential.

I’m warrior of love and even I say

To this blatant gold sink with little to show for it other then an lol achievement.

70k for that’s just eh

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270x2 is only even 2 of the items, but no I can’t play every day.

Example # of people that take 1 specific definition of a word to apply it to every definition of the word.

Devs did a great job revising the holiday, but the only thing is the heartseeker mana ray mount which is ugly and doesn’t fit the theme.

Perhaps a mount version of the love bug pet for next year for tokens would be a cool mount theme to have.

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