Show tanks some love

If you ran with a awesome Tank please post name and realm here.
time to show some appreciation to our hard working tanks
Boosting tanks don’t apply

This is not a hate thread keep it nice… please


Me, Windseeker. But I don’t plan to stay prot once I get the shards for the resilience. Probably spend the rest of my life as arms after that.

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Well… ironically, this is actually against the rules. I believe it still counts as a, “call out” which is a no-no.

4 real? oh well thought a nice thread was needed with all the tank hate

I don’t see a lot of tank hate. Sure, there’s some people upset at bad tanks, but generally tanks get treated better than a DPS would.

I have run with many great tanks on Windseeker.

They know who they are, because I make sure to thank them for a great group and tell them they were great.


Plate doesn’t stop the hurtful penetration of forum rules.


i only let tanks smelt my ore for me so i too can spam LFG with :LF tank to smelt my ores pst.

Magatron - Bear Tank | Herod - Horde | The best tank I have personally run with. I’ve never been with a tank that takes such pride in his work, admits any mistakes, corrects them, overcomes challenges, and is always prepared. Most people that know him, fight over him to tank their group even though there are several tanks on in their guild able to help at the time. He provides the best experience.

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I’d agree. Pug groups have been generally polite - obsequious even. That is no doubt a function of waiting hours for a Tank.

However, it’s always a bit more difficult communicating with strangers and co-ordinating expectations. Much easier with guildies and people you play regularly with. Heroics require more group co-ordination and aren’t very pug friendly.

I honestly feel that the TBC game was designed with guilds in mind as the primary method of engaging in group content. It really doesn’t do much as a game to encourage pugging and that is by design I think - something later iterations of the game depart from (including WoTLK). TBC is arguably the least pug friendly iteration of WoW.

To get the most out of TBC look to join a friendly and active guild.

I’ve come across similar experiences. People are extremely polite to me, thanking me for joining, compliments on my tanking, and always asking me if I want to run another dungeon. Quite refreshing.

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sorry what I meant by tank hate was for the ones that want to tank and is learning.
maybe give them time and will eventually see there name on this thread. since tank shortage is a thing. I thought this thread will shed some light on how fun and important tanking can be. hoping to see this thread full of names of past and future tanks.

Callout threads are generally frowned upon.

True… but if you’re posting to compliment people… I’m not sure it would get deleted.

So, it’s okay to break the rules just because you’re nice about it?

That’s the Democrat party platform…

Oops, did I just make this a political thread? Please ignore…

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any kind of name calling is against the ToS
positive or negative

Honestly? Yes. The thing about rules is to keep civility and friendly discussion. If a mod sees this thread, even though its against the rules, its also promoting positive discussion.

I appreciate the subject. Regardless of whether we thank tanks publicly in a forum thread, I think it might be more impactful to both thank and help them in-game. For those of us that are veteran players, slowing down and sharing a bit of insight can really change a person’s gaming experience. Maybe you’ll run across a person or two that thinks they already know everything and doesn’t want to hear it. Oh well… I’ve played for more than a decade, but still appreciate sharing ideas. Maybe I am playing a class I haven’t played a lot.

This doesn’t just go for tanks. One of the things I am liking about this whole classic thing is using the chat frames to chat again…

This is how you get mob violence.

Do you want mob violence.

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