Show tanks some love

Me, I’m the awesome tank. Thank you. You’re welcome.

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Don’t be that guy.

Complimenting people starts people down a dark path… forever will it forsake your destiny.

I never talk about politics im game, just gets people heated and angry. You can’t have a civil conversation about it anymore.


yes I was told in the thread earlier.
but none the less it is a nice thing to do while we can to just show some tanks love. is it so wrong to try and do something nice?

It really isn’t.

Don’t drag people who aren’t part of your conversation into your conversation.

you posted here. I did not drag you here.
your here to turn a positive thread into a deleted thread. cause you don’t like kindness. just read your past post on any thread its what you do.
Please leave the thread if you don’t like it.

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Just trying to be funny…Let’s try to bring back civil discourse :smiley:

You’re right about one thing. It is a positive thread.

Positively against the rules.

its not or it would of been deleted already. it still might.
the thread is not name calling, its not titled lets show name-realm some love
(a specific person) its not calling out one person. its showing kindness to many.
just leave the thread please. lets give the tanks some appreciation. until it gets deleted or not

Me, still not 70 but had some nice compliments from people after runs
I take proud on being a tank and explaining at the start of the dungeon how will I play, how do I mark, what to do if something bad happens, where the team have to wait if I’m LoS pulling, how much seconds DPS need to wait on a specific multi-pull, healers should not HoT when I’m pulling, etc.

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I don’t get mad about politics. Hail Sylvanas death to the night elves. Wait wrong xpac. Thrall is the true leader of azeroth.

I love ya wonderbull

Yes! /grin

this is awesome post. exactly what i was trying to do here.
keep’em coming everyone. show tanks some love

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