I think this " show only achievement" option isn’t working at all.
I hate people come close ( sometimes they approach right in front of my nose ) and scanning my stuffs. I got nothing is special and I am not just talking about this toon as well. I feel really annoying but this option is only thing I can protect my privacy in game. however it seems like people still can scanning and whispering “where did you get that from?”
my question is, the option i clicked then it supposed to show achievements only instead items right? I want my privacy in game. if it is bug can we fix this??
Are you referring to the ability in the game settings that has it where your achievements will only show the ones pertaining to that character?
If so, please be aware that the setting will not stop someone from inspecting your gear as that is not at all what it is intended to do.
The only option that you can control is that it will only show THAT character’s individual achievements earned. There isn’t anything that can hide them completely. And as to the website/armory - it’s temperamental on the best of days. Sometimes it takes some time to update to reflect the change.
Even then though, they could be referencing your gear/mog or any number of things. This is a MMO. It’s meant to be a social game. Achievements, pets, mounts and such aren’t considered “personal information.” It’s in a bit of a different situation from yours, but here is this:
It has nothing to do with equipment or items. It means that you will only see the achievements that particular character has earned.
Players using the Inspect feature is not giving any personal information, and it’s a function that is always allowed.
Kyzera is correct, that option is only intended to control if you show the account wide achievements or just those specific to your character when someone clicks on your portrait and uses the Compare Achievements option. Or looks up your profile in the app/website, etc…
The gear on your character isn’t considered personal information, there is currently no way to prevent people from essentially looking at you.
I see there nothing I can stop them… that’s sad!
but some players just come approach right in front of me and scanning then laughing and throwing paint lol
thx everyone let me know how it works!
It could just be that they were staring you down and not looking at anything. Especially since you’re on a roleplay server (or at least the character you’re posting on is), if you’ve got TRP/MRP or any other RP add-on installed, they could be panning through that.
On a roleplay realm, sometimes folks are just a different kind of breed. It’s nothing as personal or as invasive as I think you may be thinking it is? Even though SC isn’t the big two (Wyrmrest Accord and Moon Guard), I’m sure there are still trolls there to pick on roleplayers or it may have just been their character acting a bit demented and hurling paint at folks.
Then too, on a RP realm, folks coming up if you’re just standing around in a city and “staring you down” - it may be that they’re trying to initiate or invite you to roleplay.