I can’t switch from my warrior to my shaman, so here’s a few pics of my four-elements mog. I could use suggestions for my earth weapon (this crystal one looks too much like ice, and the other crystal variant’s handles aren’t the right color.)
A little gob mog. Goes with the expansion even. /dance
Woulda looked better if you were a real shaman and not some alliance gucci knock-off version.
I actually miss the old vanilla days when shaman was a horde only faction class and paladin was an alliance only one.
Made me tear up a little when they changed all that in BC. But like Garth… I fear change
Says the furry ^.^
Those who see a Vulpera and think “furry” are projecting their weird fetishes and thus reveal themselves as having a furry fetish. Ur nasty.
Also I’m still on the correct team, especially when it comes to shaman.
Okay furry. they’d swap you rats for Dark Irons any day of the week and we both know it.
I like it!
TBH Most players see Vulpera and Worgen as ‘furry’ toons fetish or not.
More so with the Vulpera as they are the ‘cuter’ of the two.
What makes it uncomfortable are those who play them because they are into that.
Imagine what would happen in Goldshire should the Alliance get Vulpera on Moon Guard. Now STOP!!!
For that reason alone they need to stay horde. But Blood and Nightborne could be exchanged for Dark Iron Dwarves. I’d support that
Agreed. As bad as Vulpera are, I think we can all agree Alliance would just make it worse. Lol.
I also support this. Take us home, please.
These people exhaust me. I cannot stand furry jokes. Some of us just think vulpera are neat.
Tbh, I don’t see Vulpera and think furry, but I know how to get under a Vulpera player’s skin.
What can I say? He fired the first shot. I fired the better shot. Who am I to refuse a challenge?
At any rate, back to topic - your mog is top notch!
Good day to you.
Bah I forget mine cant even be seen. Anyways.
Hello. /10char
I mean, I wasn’t talking about “who started it,” but ok.
I like the creative use of multiple sets with matching gold and bonus points for different shoulder styles - not easy to pull off!
I can’t see you but it doesn’t matter. Ever since you switched from goblin to ZT, you’ve been dead to me.
You break my heart. </3
no other space goats reporting in?
Looking good, and hardly any Shaman have been reporting in.