I’m a Frostwolf Farseer
Cannibalism is generally considered the practice of eating the flesh of other sapient beings, though the term is somewhat inconsistent as detailed below.
I’m a Frostwolf Farseer
Does anyone else have an embarrassing lack of nice looking mail armor to mog? I can’t even make my shaman look good, let alone show off. I have lots of cloth and leather from raiding but only ever pvp on shaman.
Especially when I was leveling up my shaman looked like a hobo
Hey, Alliance have a lore basis for shamans too. There’s Wildhammer dwarves and that Draenei dude going all the way back to WC3 even before WoW was a thing.
Now check out my frosty dwarf/viking Shaman mog.
Give alliance Gnolls.
Void Elves are the blood elves for alliance and nightborne are Night elves for horde. So those are already covered.
What I would like to see is Horde get humans.
What I would like to see is Horde get humans.
…The Forsaken are human…
No living humans not undead.
…The Forsaken are human…
I believe they prefer “metabolically challenged”.
But living humans horde-side would be awkward. They are too delicious to the Trolls.
“Where did you get that arm? Drop it! Drop it! Bad Troll! Bad!
…the undead are the ones with the cannibalize racial. A gruesome fact that gets overlooked in this whole “alliance and horde are friends now” narrative.
But living humans horde-side would be awkward. They are too delicious to the Trolls.
I do not remember the trolls on the horde side being cannibals.
A gruesome fact that gets overlooked in this whole “alliance and horde are friends now” narrative.
Well with the recent cinematics it seems alliance could get light born undead. or it be given to both factions like the pandas. That being said the original undead cannibalized everyone including other horde. Something that no one has really thought about.
As a game mechanic yes. From a lore perspective… well Trolls are not fussy eaters.
We typically are selective… braaaaaiiinnnnnnsss
I do not remember the trolls on the horde side being cannibals.
It’s more lore based and there are hints in game in some areas. Wowpedia has a rather descriptive section concerning which races do cannibalism. Scroll to Troll section.
Cannibalism is generally considered the practice of eating the flesh of other sapient beings, though the term is somewhat inconsistent as detailed below.
Well with that then Worgen are alliance version of cannibals. But in the end in game I do not remember there being references to trolls in the horde faction being cannibals. Again I have been playing the game since like a month after release so I might have forgotten some obscure reference somewhere in game.
Blood for the Blood God
Not gonna lie, he looks awesome!
Nothing too epic, but here is my frostwolf battle shaman mog
[frostwolf shaman mog](https://imgur.com/a/LpFWhHo)
I use the laughing skull mask for most of the mogs on this char.
Too many to post individually.
imgur .com/a/pZbP2Ev
another space goat reporting in!
How are you just a red silhouette?
I favor the extremely colorful route …
Also yes, I want to know how the zandalari troll above is just a red shillouette …