Show me your kitties!

I don’t have any cats, but this is the cutest cat I’ve ever seen


I think that was puppies.

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Dogs are better.

Sorry had to be said

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Objectively true. I loathe cats. Cats and children.

I hope they never make a child mount.

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I remember seeing the play in the early 80s and remember thinking, I hope they don’t make a horrible movie out of this. I was actually right for once.


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My cat’s favorite “furniture” and toy… is one of the large Amazon gift bags. He sleeps on it, in it, under it and dives onto it to play. lol


I can’t believe that a forum asking everyone to show something like this hasn’t been flagged and deleted alread…

Oh wait.

You said kitties.

Never mind.

her highness.


Yeah, pretty sure the game would be over if they made a child mount

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I’m not allowed to get rid of the box. It’s her home now.

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Cats like sleeping on a crushed paper grocery bag. After a few days the bag runs out of sleep potential and they need to sleep on a different one, or on something else.

How about a sedan chair being carried by four gnomes?

Guess they prefer their beds cronchy

I think Litter Bearers should be a part of the game. One of those lounge chairs with the netting

Aren’t litter bearers the Attendants running right behind your cat mount with a box filled with sand?

Speaking of which, I wonder what mother cats think of signs saying “No littering!”

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That is very good.

Honestly i think its a slam dunk for blizzard even tho personally i dont think it fits wow and more fits FF

I only know the term from Madelin Khan in History of the World Pt1


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Do it