Show Low Level Quests

I’m trying to avoid using Questie or the like, but you’re making it hard Blizzard.

In Vanilla there was an option in settings for “Show Low Level Quests” that would put the ! above quest givers heads even if the quest was grey for you. This was later moved to the minimap magnifying glass, and the option removed from Settings.

We need that back if you want us to not install third party addons that do far more than we need. It was a Vanilla option so it’s a #nochanges issue.


Agreed, this is frustrating! Where is the magnifying glass of greatness lol


Nope. Not asking for Retail functionality.

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I’ve just gotten into the habit of talking to every single NPC I can find just in case he/she has a quest for me. Also, it has helped that some of the lowbie (Level 1-10) questlines have been retained in Retail (Elwynn Forest was almost exactly the same), and I remember who the questgivers are in those zones.


Yeah my knowledge of places like HIllsbrad or the Wetlands is going to tax that rememberence though.

I know it’s not the solution you want, but questie doesn’t have to give you information you don’t want. I have mine set to only show me quests that are available to pick up and nothing else. I was hesitant when I first downloaded because I didn’t want to have glowing areas on the map showing me where to go; I was very happy when I discovered that the add-on didn’t have to do that.

Other questing add-ons might have similar options, but I can’t speak to them specifically.


Installing a questing addon would give the message to Blizzard that they are desireable for the community.

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The problem with this is that questie bugs and sometimes doesn’t show low-level quests. I’d imagine if the proper option to show them was there, like it was in vanilla, questie would pick up on them and show them.

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There are a few things I’d like to see implemented. Just because it’s classic doesn’t mean they can’t implement some simple “Quality of Life” changes. We all know how hard Classic is/was, and there are specific things that have always been griped about since Vanilla release.

Adding the simple magnifying glass and tracking option to the minimap would not be immersion breaking. It’s a personal option, if you don’t like it dont turn it on.

As for other changes, Id like to see them implement things like:

  • Quest tracking indication on mini-map. Sure, dont highlight the objective but at-least have an arrow or indication where to look so people don’t spend hours walking around looking for it. Google, that would be immersion breaking IMO, having to leave game just to look it up.
  • One hit mining nodes. Mainly to prevent griefing and bots. Don’t know about others, but its immersion breaking to mine a node and have someone come by, hit it once, and not loot, just sitting waiting for you to leave.
  • LFR/LFD option. Just make it an easy group creation option. But still require people to use the meeting stone or actually walk there. Maybe require the player to click on the stone to be added/queued to a group waiting.

Just a couple examples, but the point is; There are things that have been desirable from even Beta Vanilla. Problem is, Blizz went overboard and made it way to easy and put way to much into the retail over 15 years, trying to pander to everyone.

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No just no. if you want those “QoL” go play BFA. those “QoL” changes ruined the game over the course of 15 years. leave that garbage out of classic.

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Classic is not retail… and honestly I don’t want it to be… I like having to actually read the quest text to figure out where stuff is. And if I still can’t find it I wander around the zone til I do… one-hit mining nodes… where’s the fun in that? it’s not realistic and wasn’t implemented til later. If I am the first one at the node and don’t have it auto looting I can just wait for the guy who wants to steal it to leave I can wait all day long. It teaches you to be aware of your surroundings at all times.
LFD and LFR is what broke the community of Vanilla in the first place, it doesn’t teach you to add folks you grouped with before so you don’t have to suffer any inconvenience of having to wait thirty minutes to get the roles you need to run your dungeon. It doesn’t give you the ability to run with folks you know it just plops you in with some rando try-hards and some other newbs/blueberries/whatever else you want to put here for people who don’t know how to play or don’t play very good. Why do you think retail has been dumbed down so much in the most recent expacs?
Why do you think it’s so freaking easy nowadays to pull five, six or eleven add mobs and not die? So yeah I’m a little biased and like my Vanilla a little Vanilla if you don’t mind. xD
But they did have the option to track low-level quests in the options menu of Vanilla and I would like to see that at least come back.

You can turn off quest objectives in Questie, so that it only shows where you can accept the quests - not how to complete them. That’s how I use it, just saves me time googling for what quests are in each zone and I still get the experience of actually reading quests to figure out what to do.

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I don’t remember this in Vanilla… I thought it was added with a later patch or expansion…

That’s precisely why they can’t make your changes.

That still requires me to install an Addon I do not want to support. And I don’t want markers on the map, because that breaks with the Classic style.

Hmm, if that’s true, I retract my request. I was sure it was Vanilla. It was definitely before any display on the minimap.

Just another example of how far off this version of World of Warcraft is from the original game. Thanks for posting this, I was trying to remember how to do it and it’s jut not there. Good job failing again Blizzard.

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All I could suggest is something like wowhead that will give a location of all the quest givers for a zone. Just look in their database of zones. There is a toggle under the map to show quest givers

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I’ve been using Thotthead to do it, but it still means finding the quest giver, if I don’t want to install a Waypoint arrow.

Let me jump on the wagon…
Yes . . Yes . . Do it, Yes. yes . . .

Silly how people keep stating No to something that would not even affect them if they do not even want to use it. Fact is. Millions of people play the game, and every one of them play it their own way, and every one of them want something different.

Either way, this is just a discussion, an outlet on ideas. It’s not a democracy and it’s not a voting system. Hell, this post is even under the “General Discussion” forum. Blizz will do it if they want too, despite what other loud-mouth people want or demand.

I think it was a BC thing… but my memory is hazy.
I definitely remember it in BC because i changed main and faction. There were no ‘quest area’ markups on map or minimap (googlefoo to figure out barrens junk), but there were options for low lvl quests cuz i went to all the starter zones to get exalted.

I’m a completionist and love to do all content, grey or not. I can attest that tracking low level quests was definitely not in vanilla. I leveled several characters to 60, even including one of them dinging max level the day before TBC launched. There was no minimap magnifying glass tracking functionality either.

Even as of October 8 of 2007, almost 10 months after TBC was released, it still wasn’t there. I know this specifically because of a couple simple google searches I did to back up my claim.

If you search for “engadget Seeing low level quests again” you’ll find an article talking about this very topic.