Shouldn't the Orcs be more advanced by now?

I still see the Grunts in Orgrimmar with normal gear and no larger forges to creat a real industry. Shouldn’t they have been adapting by now? Like you can not tell me they are stuck in cavemen/bronze age development forever. Where is the armor, harbor/port and all the crap you would need for a rel civilization.

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They have all that.

Being shirtless and having spiky things is just their aesthetics.


It is bad and needs to change really.

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Half the races should live like the Draenei, if this game were realistic.


this civilizations vs savages theme is old and outdated. Blizzard needs to get with the time.

They have farms and towns. What they don’t have are the resource rich areas enjoyed by the Alliance.

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Get better bait.

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I assure you this isn’t bait.

They seem to go backwards, their ships had cannons now they do not. They zones they control are not very hospitable and the race struggles with constraint food shortages and alliance intrusion. Now to mention the faction going full blown Saturday morning cartoon bad every faction war.

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“Change the entire aesthetic for Orcs (that I don’t play)”

— Pretty Elf Partisan

No thanks. How about we stop stripping away every ounce of faction identity instead?


The hyper industrious, heavily armored thing is kind of what seperates (Playable) Mag’har from normal orcs. If normal orcs suddenly went all in on the Iron Horde/Goblin tech then they’d just be green Mag’har.

Btw, I’m still annoyed that they called the AU Mag’har the same thing as the MU Mag’har. They could’ve easily called them Iron orcs or Draenic orcs or something to set them apart from the TBC Mag’har.


Orcs have steampunk technology and machine guns.

They are advanced.

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The barbarian aesthetic is cool though.


they don’t know about the secret underground burrow chambers network with modern technology

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You’re probably not going to see peons (the orcish slave caste) with advanced equipment.

Technically the most advanced races outside Draenei/Lightforged with their space tech. Is the Mechagnomes which when we enter Mechagon can see they live in a fairly modern city even more advanced than real life. Then we have the gnomes and upper Gnomeregan which is comparible though not exact and probably less technologically advanced than the Draenei. Then we have Goblins who’s cities are more or less similar to modern 20th century design (lorewise). Then we have everyone else which is high fantasy or the Gilneans who are 19th/early 20th century Gothic London.

Only races who seem to be truly technologically advanced horde side is Mag’har orcs and Goblins. Everyone else prefers simpler lifestyles. Alliance? If you include the Draenei they have literally space tech.

Dunno, Industrial Revolution orcs is a Mag’har thing

Or at least iron horde one

Not the same.

Their original ships and cannon were stolen from the Alliance of Lordaeron. They may not have been able to duplicate the metallurgy required after those were lost.


There’s a lot of (elf) players that really want Orcs to look like the goofy dork from the hearthstone art walking around Stormwind with a gormless grin and a camera.