Should WoW be more...metal?

Part of the problem is that we kill off characters too much and we leave usable characters on the cutting room floor. I know there already a ton of female characters but where is Magatha Grimtotem? That is one elder crone that would be okay teaming up with the darkness. I am pretty sure there are more characters that are jaded and just want to watch the world covered in darkness.


The problem is the modern entertainment industry, regardless of medium, labors under the delusion that there is this untapped demographic out there with billions of dollars in disposable income that they can appeal to by adhering to contemporary socio-political attitudes.

The reality is, this demographic doesn’t exist. If it did, you wouldn’t see so many movies, TV shows and video games that purposely pander to these modern sensibilities failing spectacularly. Disney being one such company that continues to fail again and again.

Unfortunately they won’t change any time soon because they now hate the demographic that spent the billions over all these years to keep them in business, especially when it comes to video games, and blame them, not themselves, for all their commercial failures.

Thank you for this. This literally runs in my head every time I see another “bring back muh edgy doom GOREDEATHBLOOD!!!” post. Glad I’m not alone. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Credit to the OP though for wanting balance. I too want balance, but I believe the pendulum is in a different position.