Should WoW be more...metal?

it just needs more WAR added to the CRAFT

it should be more like Warhammer with big tough guys killing demons and stuff, i want big guys, i like big guys doing badass stuff, i like big guys.

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Best way I can describe it is like a vibe.

Something that gives off this intangible feeling of a character doing something intense, or having a very action oriented way of framing things.

I thought the Dalaran stuff was pretty metal imo. Especially with the way Xal’atath is animated in all the cutscenes.

I think people are still just reeling in the aftermath of Dragonflight having a focus on resolution and closure that people are still riding that wave as they enter tww. But thats just my subjective interpretation


I think MoP was great and a lot of people hated it. I feel like is had a good balance between the elements that all people want and it seems people do look back on it fondly. I thought Legion was perfect tone wise.

“Bro…trust me ok.”

I dont know why people think the Horde going stupid evil for a bit and the Alliance being a doormat in a PG setting is “metal.” WoW has never told a compelling faction war story that didn’t anger most of the fans with their bias or unwillingness to commit.

You just literally made my night with that post. :slight_smile:


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Even the majority of the current population does not like the character and story direction in the game. Most people simply play for the gameplay and actively voice how much they dislike it.

If they change things up to be more like it was in the past they would likely gain far more subs than the few weirdos they lose. There is no risk.

It’s been proven time and time again through movies, TV shows, and games that “modern audiences” are not real or are just a tiny minority. There is not a single new form of media catering to them that became popular, it’s always those people becoming leeches on the backs of existing IP’s till they kill it. There is a reason the industry is finally starting to reverse course in many cases with this type of stuff. The only reason it’s even been pushed so hard was because of investment by groups that required it.

When did a TV show pushing this type of stuff become extremely popular in the first place? Any that temporarily do well are all built off existing fan bases and they actively attack and push out the majority of the original fans.

We have also had huge numbers of players return to WoW at times when expansions looked good, as in more than that returned for the launch compared to the prior expansions.

With Classic so many people returned to the game and so many retail guilds died as people left for Classic. I know mine did along with a few others I knew about.

I do agree some people hating on this stuff are way over the top, but we all know what it is so I don’t blame them for hating on it.

Yes, we need far more balance with the characters, all of the modern characters feel the same. I actually like Anduin, he’s been one of my favorite characters and I like all of the new characters outside of the Earthen as I dislike them outside of two of them. That said we need far more characters like Varian in the game, that should be the norm… It’s Warcraft after all… Characters like Anduin used to be special because of how they think in such a dark world, without that they become boring characters the same as everyone else. We’ve had war after war with world-ending threats in between for such a long time. To me, it makes no sense nearly everyone in the world is so soft.

My utter pleasure. I absolutely love that sort of stuff. It makes me reminisce, but also hopeful to see WoW into the future, or at least what it will inspire… It also makes me want to create my own escapism and entertainment. Frankly, I’ve got a friend I met in WoW who has been working to create amazing project ideas for years. He just doesn’t have the training or resources to open a studio :confused: yet.

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I think characters dieing off to fill the shadowlands ranks is a good thing. Now that pelagos has control and has actually seen what good mortals can do across the realms maybe he’ll accurately be able to position souls where they can serve the cosmos aptly.

Seeing a character like Taerin serve alongside the stonewright and renathal in revyndreth would be an interesting way of adding depth to that realm.

That drakonid “child” who saved the eggs in the opening quest of dragonflight could probably develop in maldraxxus to be quite the warlord.

You have my vote for World of Gwar-craft

(if you get it, you get it…)


What if you want some sauce for your hot and sour soup?

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That’s not what I said. You missed the point.

No. Those days are over.

Friendship, holding hands, working together, acceptance, love, diversity, inclusivity, safe spaces, social justice, mental health awareness, self-expression, self-care, meditation, neon hair, septum piercings, tattoos, androgyny. This is WoW going forward.

No, I get your point. I just disagree that continuing on this path is a good idea, there is a reason they brought back Metzen. You said they have a business model that works for the current demographics but I don’t think that’s true at all as we are talking about the vibe of the story and characters while it’s only the gameplay and sunk cost fallacy keeping the game going.

Most people don’t like what they have been doing in my experience (TWW Is much better so far than DF at least.), and I’m talking about the current player base not just the people who quit or only play one of the many versions of classic.

Edit: Plus we have examples in gaming of things being turned around, like with Cyberpunk and no mans sky.

Anduin gives up on becoming a priest again and instead becomes a battle hardened warrior. Voraciously destroying baddies, their blood raining everywhere. Slayer reuniting and doing the soundtrack.

I’d play it.

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Unlike the other posts ,OP is attempting to avoid being “inflammatory, extraneous or upsetting”. But yes, there’s a good chance this will be closed due to enough folks being upset with even the OP’s reserved phrasing.

I personally don’t see an issue. Those other posts. Yeah, I’ll help report em.


I feel like part of the problem here, and I’m not caught up with the lore in detail, is that everyone seems to have had their civilization ending threat come and go. Teldrassil has already burned, the Night Elves endure. Anduin Wrynn is a respected and all around benevolent ruler despite everything that’s happened to him, Stormwind will endure. The Forsaken are actually free for real, and just about the only problem they face is that they can’t make more Forsaken (why would they want that?).

There’s almost no tension, we are united against… Xalatath. It’s something yeah, and I guess it’s no different than when we were all gunning after the Lich King, but the key ingredient there I think was that world politics of Azeroth thing, where at any moment you felt like something could shift the dynamics of the factions and the characters we know and love. Races had a bit more agency, bonds were shakier between peoples.

Again, WoW noob, I might be wrong, but it just feels like they dropped all attempts at putting Azeroth’s established factions in any tumult because we’re always locked in an avenger’s level end game threat. These end of the world story lines lack tension on their own paradoxically, so the writing needs to lean heavier on the characters to carry the burden of emotional investment. This naturally lead to the homogenization of the factions, because developing two character driven storylines in a vacuum with the same end goal of “defeat the great evil” winds up being a waste of resources.

That further deflated the tension of the greater WoW storyline because… Well, World of WARcraft is now World of Craft.

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If you want something that’s not AI generated, look up Neo Stormwind.

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All these big name characters should be the bit players in the grand scheme of things. I don’t play as Thrall. I play as Lorelie the Vulpera adventurer. Why is the player a background character in their own story? It’s a major failing of WoW, and aside from the terrible writing it’s the primary reason I don’t care about the story at all after classic.

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"I agree I think then tenssion is not set up right. We need a bad guy that is smart but has supporting characters around then that get built up so there are several avenues to bring comflict. It should feel like its come from all sides and we never know what might go wrong next. Like even if we win we lose.