Should we demand Christ Metzen back?

Not sure if trolling or just really bitter and misguided.


Typical Horde entitlement.

Chris Metzen wont save all the problems.

Let him retire, leta him have his family


He retired because dealing with angry fans all the time was giving him anxiety attacks.

So yea, Blizzard didn’t feel like home anymore because the fans kept hating.

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Had anyone read Steven eriksons novels?

Best fantasy I’ve read. Better than grrm, Tolkien, everyone.

What he could do with the warcraft universe would be incredible! I assume he wouldn’t take the gig though.

He must return. WoW needs him like never before.

By WotLK the position of Second in Command was already taken by Afrasiabi(who joined just a few Months before Beta) with Kosak joining him in the position just before Cataclysm!

Afrasiabi had personally wrote Sylvanas since joining Blizzard(so since a few Months before WoW Beta) so he had a lot of influence over the Story even before becoming Second in Command.

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Whoever wrote shadowlands needs to be held accountable


It was J.K. Rowling.

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Mega necro!

What they need to do is have some well known authors pitch some ideas based on the lore. Or not cause in this chicken/egg situation… first comes the raid and then a story shows up.


he is still thrall’s voice actor i think?


They need to do a FF and redo it. All of it.

Step 1 in the new regime. Have a 2 faction system that actually has a basis to it. If humans must hate orcs, and vice versa…so be it. Hate each other. All the time…

Lessons from warhammer there. Oh look the chaos tribes are coming down from the north again. Shall we reach out to the Orcs for aid, Emperor.

Emporer looks at the person who said that. Says no. also says you shall ponder on just how much you have failed Sigmar for saying that as you rot in prison a bit.

Emperor then goes well boys…we got orcs and chaos scum to kill. Lets get to it shall we.

I don’t think the community should be in the business of demanding that any particular person be hired or fired. (With the exception of abuse cases like what we saw this past year.)

What the community should be demanding is quality and if Blizzard needs to shuffle staff around to make that happen then that’s what they need to do. But it rubs me the wrong way when the community tries to play hiring manager for a company they don’t work for just because they don’t like the game direction.

I almost agree. I have one exception. Danuser should be yeeted, he is a poison that has infected this game.

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Just want to point out that Metzen gave us a whole expansion where we time-traveled to an alternate universe to fight a weaker version of the Horde that was weaker because we sent them Garrosh whom Varian stopped Thrall from killing.

So… yeah…

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I wouldn’t wish this type of show Taliesin always talks about on him .

He did his time and now he deserves better then what this game or company has become .

Crap responding in a necro thread

I been hearing the story is bad, since WoW inception.

Actually that was Tom Chilton’s orders.

Tom Chilton was Game Director and thus outranked Metzen. He got moved to another team after WoD…

Furthermore Afrasiabi worked on WoW since March 2004 which was Early Beta(he boasted about making Elwynn Forest’s Quests) and had been writing Sylvanas the whole time and has bragged about Blizzard coming to him to bring in the Faction War.

Afrasiabi was who Blizzard turned to to get the Faction War underway every time from Classic to WotLK to BfA!

If I were in charge of the Faction War I would have simply moved Thrall’s Horde to the Alliance and made the Shadow Council the other Faction and slapped their Capitals into Desolace(Satyr) and Thunder Bluff(Grimtotem) alongside Undercity(Undead ruled by the Nathrezim), Zul’Aman(Forest Trolls) and Blackrock Mountain(Blackrock/Fel Orcs)!

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I would say that at the very least Metzen and co. were way better at world building when he was there.

While I don’t agree with the gate being used as a conduit for an AU Draenor, we did get some awesome world building in there that could tie in what we saw post Nerzhul in BC.

Not only that, to walk around in AU Draenor feels better than the claustrophobic and way too “hilly” expansions that followed. The design of things feel less immersive since he left and yes that may just be a coincidence, but I miss large zones that had little nooks and crannies in them and open fields with wonderous views.

Sounds a lot better than space heaven satan who’s apparently orchestrated all of wow ever but who’s moves we still don’t know a year in.