Should Valorstones cap be increased?

Idk about you but im constantly at the cap due to how easy is to earn these.


There shouldn’t be a cap on them.
What’s the point in the cap? Sorry, you need to go upgrade gear you don’t want to upgrade or we wont give you anymore cookies?


I think they mean the total cap, you can only hold 2000 of them at any given time. which can be annoying if you hit the cap in the middle of a piece of content, meaning any valorstones you earn past that point disappear.


Cap is fine for me, I’m valorstone starved.


This really shouldn’t exist either. You already have caps on each type of crest. You need both for upgrading armor on your main. If someone wants to run around with 10,000 valorstones, let them.


Valorstone caps are fine, they just need to give ways to spend them that aren’t upgrading to make not hitting said cap reasonable, and bonus points if they increase acquisition too

uncapping them and not resetting every season just means someone’s gonna burn themselves out farming 10k so they can max upgrade instantly next season, that’s why the cap exists in the first place.

The crest cap if anything should be increased. We went from needing 60 crests to 90 to craft items. A 50% increase should have warranted atleast a 15 crest cap increase per week.

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The cap also helps encourage spending them. I’m always thinking “do I spend valorstones or do I hope for a higher ilvl drop?”. Once my valorstones get near the cap the choice is easy. If I don’t spend the valorstones I won’t get any more of them so I should definitely upgrade something.

Back in my day, gear was static. There wasn’t any of this fancy upgradin’.


Im starved for these. i get none for crafting


well theyd need to slack the caps on crest along with it.

as it is i run into crest cap issues before valorstone issues, and by the time more crests are unlocked the valorstones are full again.

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I think the cap is to low myself. Even got to the point my Alt sits at cap and I barely do anything with it. Still managed to upgrade 4 pieces of armor +2 levels and my weapons +2 levels each and its back at cap again.

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Flightstones are the worst. Theyre either something you dont even think about or an annoying grind to upgrade gear you already did the content for.

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If by increased you mean removed, then yes.

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Shhhhh! Your point may be “we need a higher cap,” but we all know that what they’ll read is “nerf the acquisition rate!”


Need to let us buy good enough gear to enter m0 with extra valor stones for warband.

The cap is the only reason I will occasionally upgrade with lower crests, to avoid being at cap. But I struggle with valorstones. I always have tons of crests, yet no valorstones to upgrade.

(why would I upgrade lower stuff, as soon as I get runed crests I want to instantly upgrade the good stuff and not be short on valorstones)

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Why is a cap fine? What does it serve other than to slow people down and piss them off?

I just don’t get the devs or half this playerbase tbh.


There is no point to valorstone cap other than to artificially slow down the players and make them farm more. We are already crest capped anyway.

Valorstones should have no cap and be a warband currency.


There should not be a cap to valor stones.

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