Should underwater mounts be faster?

Until you have to fight one of them fishies-with-teefs. Then you’re in trouble.

Yes, they should be 310% just like epic flyers, except underwater of course.

Right now they are laughably slow.

I think flying speed would be a bit overkill but they definately need to be made faster. I know going to the horde docks in zuldazar is a giant pain if you want to try and cross the water with people who don’t have striders. That and they would see you coming easily. Underwater mounts being actually useful would add more factors that would be interesting.

Underwater mounts are abysmally slow. Outside of vashj’ir, they only bring you to 135% movement speed, which is slower than some classes move by foot on land…

The legion artifact fishing pole for comparision is 169% speed, and has no cast time to equip.

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Which is what I’m saying, a fishing pole is better than specialized mounts. Needs buffed imo.

Maybe you’re not supposed to go faster cuz you know, you’re riding a mount UNDERWATER. It’s like there’s this resistant material you’re pushing through. This part of physics works true.

Except the part about riding a mount underwater.

Wish it did go faster, I wouldn’t have drowned multiple times on the Baa’l questline.

ps. that’s why we need the submarines!

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Same thing could be argued about wind resistance and epic flying speed. Certain environments would be way too windy so we need to slow down flying mounts on that logic.

Still would like to know more opinions on this.

i read the title as underwear mounts

i want a underwear mount blizz plz

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There is one that drops from a rare spawn I believe.

Underwater mounts should be much faster and provide water breathing. They are useless right now.

This is a key point. Entire category of mounts are basically useless.