Should underwater mounts be faster?

And to get the water strider you had to…?

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get rep which isnt much different than the 500 fish for the skate or other related aquatic mounts.

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Except that you can get the 500 fish in one day. The water strider rep was from dailies.

Hm I wonder. I would not mind if they combined a dragon turtle, a horse, and a fish into a new hybrid land-water mount. They could call it a sea-pony.

and they could increase the speed of underwater mounts without matching or passing the ground mount speed if that would be a caveat. Im just not seeing what the issue would be with it matching water strider speed as yeah it would be fast in the water but you would have to remount for a ground mount when you leave water where as with strider you dont have to.

Well I think my point still stands. Swimming mounts take less time to acquire than the water strider. On top of that, the strider loses water walking if you’re attacked so it would be less effective at bypassing deep water obstacles if swimming mounts were just as speedy.

The goal is to waste the players’ game time.

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The strider is less effective in deepwater as it stands now though, the most effective way is the legendary fishing pole for instant aquatic mount and is very simple to get. To me that just seems off that we have a category of mount that is next to useless.

I want multipassenger underwater mounts. It is not easy following someone on the z-axis! =p

Oh my god, submarineeeees. Make it so!

Swimming mounts should be just as fast underwater as flying mounts are in the air, changed by your character’s riding speed. You already have to spend the time getting on a new mount when you hit the water, and there aren’t many huge bodies of water in most zones that this would create issues with…

maybe not as fast as flying but definitely faster than what we have. Surprised I havent ever seen this mentioned.

Will be nice if they have the yellow submarine.

It’s kinda stupid that the seahorse from cata is restricted to just Vashj.

I dunno…the sea turtle seems to move pretty fast to me. Not sure about the others though, the turtle is the only one I use.

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If you do nothing else besides fish, all day all night til your eyeballs bleed, while fighting off fish-with-teeths and other attackers with your stupid fishing pole equipped, then yeah simple to get.

Then you get the fugliest fishing pole ever with a dead murloc stuck to it. That’s just Wrong.

I fish a lot but my tolerance/patience level is a 10-minute lure.

ps. I would fish more if we can get a SUBMARINE!!! *cough, s’cuse me

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Same I have used mine for years solely for swimming

During the legion fishing day thing I got the pole and got the traits all the way to the fish form in under 3 hours and it would have been less if I bought the lures. Getting the fishing maxed was easy.

All underwater mounts should be 100% speed

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Yeah, that’s 2 hours and 50 minutes more than my attention span for fishing per day. =P

So it probably took me like 3 months. Had other things to do!

Oh for sure I hear what you are saying. I’m just trying to give points that a fishing pole is better underwater than an underwater mount that is just as easy to obtain.

We have a category of mounts that are almost useless.