Should Tyrande die in Shadowlands, Shandris Feathermoon is the perfect leader for the night elves

Maiev Should’ve been high preistess. She was the most zealous and savage. But instead the position went to boring, “good girl” Tyrande.

Something Maiev always hated her for. She would make sense as the next leader. The Night Elf population should feel betrayed by Tyrande’s poor show of power, and want someone more akin to their old ways, their Warcraft 3 ways.

Did you forget…



The position of High Priestess went to the one favored by Elune, which was Tyrande.

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If Night Elves distrust tech, why was there a Night Elf tinkerer who died in the intro to Mechagon?

Pagan Religion? Elune is theorized to have created the Naaru and have a major impact on the Lights. So these are ties to the main Light religion.

Xenophobic enough to make statues of Broxigar Saurfang an orc. (They didn’t trust him when they first met, but they changed their tune after Tyrande helped him).

Fought an army of demons? What? There were Furbolg, Tauren, and almost every single dragon flight in that war. The Night Elves weren’t the sole warriors there. If that’s the case, then Tauren are savages too. But they’re very peaceful.

The Night Elves don’t straight up murder people for different religious views… Tyrande snapped at Velen for suggesting Elune is part of the Light. That was it.

They’re 1000s of years away from the Trolls and were influenced by Elune who is said to be the protector of all creation on Azeroth.

They’re not savages, just protective of their land.


The night elves of 10,000 years ago definitely were xenophobic racists. They’ve become less so over the 10,000 years of working with other races like the tauren though.

I think that was mainly shaped by Azshara’s desire to make the world elf only. So it came from the top.

Anduin’s guidance?. LOL okay

Just keep in mind that people were saying this about Jaina for years. In the end, the final answer turned out to be… “Sort of…”

Not All night elves stay in Kalimdor, not all of them are as connected to their culture.
The player is one such person.

Elune is an arcane entity. All “Lunar” damage is arcane.
Elune’s ties to the emerald dream and dragons all clearly tie her to the Titans and not to the light, making her an Arcane entity.

Anything connecting Elune to the Light is hearsay at best.

This was before they developed those xenophobic ways.
That came after the Highborne left and the night elves were alone for 10000 years. Broxigar came before.

Not everyone gains the same experiences from the same events.
The War of the Ancients happened because of the Highborne. And so the Night Elves never forgave them.

yes they do. Maiev Did. She killed Highborne refugees in Darnassus and wrote “Suffer no Traitors” in their blood.

No, definitly not.
Nightelves have allready lost their city, you now want to take our Lore NPCs and faction leaders away from us?

Tyrande has a lot of potential to be an interesting character, she pushes the alliance in directions Anduin would refuse to go.

I actually really like shandris, even if I do wish they’d made her look more like her WC3 model, ironically, Summermoon seemed more Shandris like than Shandris herself does. But anyway, I don’t think she’d be a good faction leader, especially when the Night elves are allready at such a low point.

Maiev is a lunatic and shouldn’t define the race as a whole lol.

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Malfurion isn’t going to just die because Tyrande dies.

Why do you want Malfurion gone? lmao

Oh. So Shandris can lead.

Malfurion can still allow Shandris to lead and still exist in the Alliance. Malfurion will die for the Alliance.


The Kaldorei Empire was so racist they refused to send envoys to the earthen, tauren, or furbolgs during the War of the Ancients because they didnt think an apocalyptic war was bad enough to lower themselves to interacting with lesser races.

Also… it is literally impossible for Tyrande Whisperwind to die. For Tyrande Whisperwind to die, Blizzard needs to admit that Elune doesn’t exist. Because as long as Elune exists, she will save Tyrande as she has done in the past.

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Yes. The Leader doesn’t need to define the race as a whole.

For the same reason their can be a Night Elf Tinker.

Maiev is a Villain, she’s insane, she is, in many ways Evil.

But she’s interesting
She would disagree with Alliance leadership, she would actually be the instigator for once.

Do you actually want the Alliance to continue being the most boring good guys on Azeroth? Tyrande is completely symbolic of that.
The Alliance is never allowed to let their interesting, twisted, and sometimes evil characters take the spotlight. Because all their playerbase is obsessed with being generic good guys.

Allow me to clarify what I meant.

They were xenophobic, they had a dislike of outsiders.

But it wasn’t quite to the boiling point of Warcraft 3. Where they shoot on sight at all times to anyone.

Just like some Forsaken players will follow Sylvanas,

I will follow Elune, Tyrande and Malfurion.

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Oh god. Are we really going to do Race generalizations in this thread?

One leader of a race who lead a minority faction or a minority of the race has an attitude- therefore this is the attitude of the entire race.

^^ This isn’t how how Warcraft works.

I think this is your interpretation of “protecting our lands”.

Did Chronicle explicitly state that Night Elves viewed Tauren as “lesser”?

Yes she should.

No he just needs to go off and lead the Cenarian Circle