Should Twinking be deemed breaking TOS for Exploiting?

ya dont say? it couldnt possibly be that blizz stoped being owned and ran by gamers instead of suits

gaming the system=bad

What does any of that have to do with them not considering it an exploit? They still have plenty of things they consider exploits.

Agreed. Once a player hits that 75/76, they drastically start losing a lot of that scaling power as gear they have is not updating as fast as level. Should they allow players to find more gear as they level then the scaling would continue to work.

I know on my main, had they broken my tier set bonus at level 71 instead of level 80 I would have been forced to upgrade my gear much sooner. The only way I was able to start raiding at that point was put a lot of gear I couldn’t use in my inventory to fool the raid system to assume I met the required level to be in the raid.

My rogue which I lack the skill to play the game efficiently, beat a bountiful tier 8 with zero deaths at item level 543 gear when Brann was around 27.

No they can’t actually as they can’t use chromie time and are stuck leveling through DF.

Blizz see’s no problem with selling runs for gold.

Against TOS so likely isn’t happening because who’s gonna risk a ban for something stupid like this.

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ive leveled 6 toons to 80 so far and have had zero problems with them

they MAIN problem i have is waiting 15 mins just to press W for 3 mins just to wait 15 more mins

so like i said its not available to everyone thanks for playing

That sounds like a you problem more than a Blizz problem.
Nothing stops you from forming your own groups to avoid this.

cause suits only understand money not any thing game related

In PVE, no. In PVP, those animals should be put in their own bracket.

oh so i have to wait even longer GREAT solution

they should def have their own pve que

Again that’s a you problem if you don’t want to risk grouping with twinks there’s your alternative otherwise deal with it and move on. It’s not an exploit and blizz has no problems with it since it’s been happening for years.


It’s been a long time since I have player verse player at a low level, but didn’t levels use to have brackets. I really think the problem is not twinking, but how level scaling is implemented.

Twinks in pvp go get the most OP stuff for that bracket and then farm.

except it was never this bad b4

also the act of manipulating or exploiting a system’s rules to gain an advantage over others

sounds like a problem to me especially when RMT is involved

We’re only really seeing this problem so much because of the anniversary, people leveling alts in mass, people mass running timewalking to build up tokens, people trying to farm for the timewalking mount. Its like, a 10 minute run and your out and you don’t run into them often, just treat it like a dungeon with bads, get your dungeon done and move on with your day.

Personally I Don’t mind the twink tanks, but i’m trying to level 30 characters from 1 to 70 before the end of the anniversary.


Ah yes, they are the ones making the decisions on how level scaling works. I’m sure there’s a memo specifically telling the game devs to not fix the scaling but to not consider it an exploit either.

How could we all be so blind.


Lukewarm at best.

If real money is being exchanged they are breaking ToS and should be banned.

Things will change and calm down once the anniversary is over so stop crying.

Again Blizz doesn’t see a problem with twinks in timewalking , what exact advantage are they gaining over others? Gold? So people who farm herbs and ore first week of an expac do the same exact thing making profits.

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