Should Twinking be deemed breaking TOS for Exploiting?

I don’t disagree that the scaling of low levels with higher levels could use some work. I’m just saying that it’s not an exploit like the people who have made threads about this often claim.

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“problem.” lol.

Well yeah sarcasm aside that’s true or it’d have been fixed after all these years since BfA I think.

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thats where ur wrong kiddo

Yeah, it’s definitely been a known issue for a long time. I remember doing Eye of Azshara way back in the day and some low level tank who hadn’t outleveled his raid gear from the previous expansion yet just destroyed us on the meters.

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What am I wrong about? Blizzard clearly doesn’t consider it an exploit, otherwise they would have done something about it. Or are you saying that the scaling couldn’t use some work?

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about it not being an exploit.

  1. its not available to every one. check
  2. gain unfair currency advantage. check
  3. sell runs for RMT. check
  4. abusing q system to do said exploits. check

clearly the /spit fisaco was more game breaking and an even greater problem cause that got fixed right away

It’s not a bug , they just don’t bother balancing it since most people will level fast enough that balancing isn’t worth it , until you get to the 70s and hit like a wet noodle.

thats a myth made up by people that dont know how to play cause they made it to 70 never getting to actually play their class cause they just rode the coattails of a lvl 11 twink the whole way

Come to think of it those are some really nice people carrying others for free like that. Now if they start demanding tips or they stop tanking or whatever that’s different.

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It is though , just most people won’t waste the time to twink out a lvl 10/11 character.

The fact you think the currency gives some advantage beyond transmog and mounts says you don’t even know what’s happening.

Blizz doesnt think that is a problem. They literally give a free level boost with the new x-pack.

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Haha level 10 Spinning Crane Kick go brrr

It’s been happening for 4+ expansions and Blizzard hasn’t done anything about it.

Have they changed the scaling? No.
Have they issued any type of statement telling players not to do this? No.
Have they disabled the EXP lock mechanic? No.
Have they issued any punishments for this? Not that I’ve ever heard of.

Blizzard has done nothing about this and as this is their game, they have the final say. In the eyes of Blizzard, this is not an exploit otherwise they would have said something about it in the last 7-8 years.

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Twinking has been a thing for more than 20 years of MMORPG games, the problem is not twinking, but the scaling. With how scaling is implemented, it gives low level players far more power to do the content that wasn’t originally designed for them.

Let us not forget that we are 20 years into a game, and a lot of us don’t play that old content and not enough new players are leveling in that old content to allow low level players to experience the game as it was. They also reduced the experience it took to level so that they can force players to “endgame” faster wither ready for it or not.

So no, twinking is not the issue. Poor implementation of scaling is the issue, but within the Terms of Service.

Actually it’s not a myth having gone through it myself with multiple characters where they actually do feel weaker in the range from lvl 74-79.

cause a brand new player can immediately make a lvl 11 twink. no
currency is currency gaining way more of it then by normal means is a problem. gold and real money are also currency believe it or not

I don’t care if it’s broken and neither does Blizzard. Seethe more.

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yeah well the amount of things blizz doesnt know or understand could fill a warehouse lady

No, they cant unless they use their level boost first…which defeats your entire point.

New players have to level through DF before they have access to Chromie Time. Otherwise, they are stuck in DF dungeons.

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