Should Twinking be deemed breaking TOS for Exploiting?

End of the day the people that don’t want fast leveling or fast dungeons have options.

  • classic
  • Form groups via lfg for like minded people
  • Form communities for like minded people


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Not really. The people using twinks aren’t eliminating the random aspect, they’re playing within the system as it’s designed. Random Dungeon Finder is exactly that… random. It doesn’t guarantee everyone will have the same playstyle or goals.

If someone doesn’t want to run with a twink, they can take steps to avoid it. Forming their own group or using the vote kick tool are easy solutions. The reality is that RDF caters to convenience, not customization, and expecting otherwise is just silly.

Twinking isn’t the problem, it’s the expectation that random groups should somehow conform to a specific playstyle dictated by a person who is choosing to join a random group.


What exactly are they exploiting? Doing high DPS in non-competive content?

You can’t twink currwnt M+ or Mythic raids with an 11.


do normal LFD since twinks arent IN normal LFD, do Follower dungeons where you can control exactly how many players there are, open world questing, pvp battleground leveling, i think you can level from pet battles but i’m not sure on that one, same with if exploration leveling is still a thing.

This is the way.

The best part of leveling up was feeling powerful when you leveled up. It was actually enjoyable and felt good.

Now…it’s just a race to the end where you get to sit in a queue or lfg waiting on people to join so you can run the same 8-9 dungeons and 1 raid for an entire season.

It’s lame and it’s why people quit playing once they get the validation they’re looking for.

Which is what people bringing their twinks expect.

One guy expects the group to conform to his goals and playstyle.

You sound like a lot of fun at parties. I’m betting you make the “punch” also

Well that’s where the vote to kick system comes in. The rest of the group is welcome to kick him if they want.

But the problem for people who want, is that the majority don’t want.

except all the tools are much worse options when they could just fix the actual problem

kicking doesnt work cause they can clear the dungeons b4 ur even allowed to vote kick

forming your own group takes longer then the already horrendous 15 min q times

dungeons>questing fun wise especially cause end game isnt built around questing its around dungeons and raids

and pretty sure the people complaining just want to be able to press more then W during a dungeon and not watch someone else play the entire game they pay monthly for

so /kick em, if you dont want to play with them. And if the rest of the party agrees they’ll get bunted. But i’d put dollars to donuts that if you try to kick a twink in an LFD timewalking group its probably gonna get a no vote and you might end up getting bunted yourself if they figure out you put up the kick.

counter argument blizzard could do math and make it so 1 person isnt doing 99.999999999999% of the entire dungeon

ur doing group content and making the group irrelevant u should be the one doing questing since u like playing by urself

simple as

currency, XP for others, RMT

Nothing wrong with Twinks.

if u like being so powerful that u dont need a group then why are you doing group content?

it couldnt possibly be to take advantage of the rewards could it?

I’m doing group content because its the most optimal way of leveling my numerous alts without paying real money for booster tokens that would run me a total of $1500. Do try to keep up.

except they can clear the dungeons b4 the kick even comes off cool down…

No, they can’t, and because you made that comment, it’s clear you’re trolling and should be added to my ignored trolls list.

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That’s not an argument. Blizzard isn’t going to waste time balancing leveling content when it’s not a massive issue.