Should Twinking be deemed breaking TOS for Exploiting?

Here’s the debuff your toon gets. All queues count towards the quest effect. The red bandanna is what the person who has the xp off gets but you get this if your in group with someone like that.

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cause everyone has or is capable of making friends? and everyone has guild mates?

its actually worse then i claim and im only 11 days into a sub after pretty much skipping out on what ever the scaley xpac was and the game was on sale

Blizzzards received thousands of complaints on this clearly they don’t care about the opinions on this topic.

Experience gains from quests and kills vastly reduced. Someone in your party has chosen to no longer gain experience.

so quests and kills is affected, but not the bonus XP from random dungeon queue, I assume?

It is. It’s considered part of the quest logic in the code

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or put them in their own q like they did to twinks b4 and then they can sit on the insanely long ques

and there is no way to defeat that or get around it like so many other things in wow over the last 20 years…

I mean, the thing with that is twinks can pretty much solo the content theyre twinking in anyway…my locked 61’s get just enough resistance in classic dungeons to make it interesting.
If Im looking for TW badges, I can just run an unlocked Alt…so it doesnt really affect me personally either way.

What I dont get is the complaints about this.
If someone is making the dungeon go faster, I thought thats what you all wanted ?
Or is this actually about not being able to beat them on Details?

I second this, or third it or whatever

well if uve played the game there is def alot more stuff they dont care about ither any more

the complaint seems to soley be that it makes it boring for them, and they feel like it should be an exploit.

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ah…I see.
I agree honestly…twinks ruin the run for me because I dont like the speed runs mostly.
IF Im running a ‘twink’ (lol, that word has really evolved since the 80s) I just cut back and dont do a lot of attacking to try to bring down my own DPS to the average of the groups so I dont cause reactions like this.
I only like the ‘twink’ thing personally because it lets me run classic dungeons ‘at level’ solo so there is just enough ‘challenge’ to it for them to be interesting without having to queue and run with the player drama.

which is a massive problem old twinks could never solo level appropriate content they def made things easier but they could never solo it

so i like to be able to actually play the game i pay a monthly sub for instead of wait 15 mins then 3 mins of press W simulator back to 15 mins waiting

Sure, the scaling issue is bad and it would be great if it was adjusted.

Still doesn’t mean it’s an exploit.

uh…why is it a problem if I solo content now? How does that affect your game literally at all?
I get it if youre being affected in groups, but if youre complaining about me running ALONE, now Im not really caring about your complaints anymore.

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taking advantage of the scaling for currency and xp is the exploit

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Which is perfectly fine, of course, its fine not to like something in the game. But theirs a difference between you not liking it, and them screeching its an exploit which, at current moment, it is not and blizzard has shown no indication in the entire time of timewalking that they’re going to consider it to be one. Like I said earlier, its just like getting a bad dungeon, sometimes you get a twink dungeon and it sucks for you, but you just finish the run, do a new queue, and you likely wont get a twink.

Or you timewalk to classic and do classic dungeons in the dungeon finder without time walking, since twinks are rarely in the normal dungeon queue.

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17 years ago lol…I guess that argument went flying out the window.

lvl 10 was never a bracket try again