Should Twinking be deemed breaking TOS for Exploiting?

I’m not acting as a source. I said Blizzard doesn’t consider it an exploit. They’re the source.

If you que into a group with one person lvl locked your fine. If you join with that person then your xp is nerfed

Here’s the article from blizzard. Er it’s somewhere in the related articles.

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Again that’s a you problem , there are alternatives , you just refuse to use them.

not that it takes any level of skill or understanding to see the glaring current flaws all over this game maybe they should try and hire back people who quit or got fired clearly where all the talent went

also if i had blizzards money id get it done ez not even a drop of sweat

not saying they didnt.

The only way to get blizzard to change things is with your wallet.

That means if enough people quit wow they will realize things are bad state and then do changes. Of course no body actually quits wow it’s an addiction so we must come to the forums

and people are gaming the system to take advantage of the current bad math

and that class is called what?


checks out

so u linked nothing well done

It’s fine your complaining will also change nothing. The only real way to do so is again with the wallet. Well done!

well the alternatives are even worse then that so why would i use them?

think fooler think!



so then they should do something about the current problem just like they did back then

Maybe make some friends or group with guildies instead of crying on here… It isn’t as bad as you claim if you actually try.

yeah god forbid using public forums to voice an opinion how dare i

i dont get why your arguing with me. im not saying they shouldnt.

oh…I see. that makes sense.

No, Blizz has received thousands of complaints about this behaviour at this point, and it is clearly not bothering them.

I wasn’t talking about you. I said Blizzard are not even a credible source of their own material

the ‘something’ they can do about it this is fix their scaling.
Until then, are they supposed to ban anyone who XP locks an alt as per the games allowances to keep alts locked in classic era content?
Id quit if they didnt allow that because 90% of my alts ARE locked in old content that I prefer.

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