Should Twinking be deemed breaking TOS for Exploiting?

no im speaking on behalf of any one even capable of rubbing 2 brain cells together

It’s Blizzard’s product. Only they get to decide what is or isn’t an exploit.

Keep saying it until you’re blue in the face, it does not matter.

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Know how you feel , I used to enjoy tanking and healing but interactions with some have pushed me away from wanting to do it. I’ve also dealt with health issues limiting my wanting to expose others to my hindered play.

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as a some one with less then the ideal number of digits myself i champion the logitech g502 if ur missing ur thumb it wont be as great but the tilt wheel and extra buttons by the main click can def be adapted to

so abusing the system to take advantage of a currency

there is a word for that you know

how about until a blue actually responds about it?

The simple fact stands , Blizz does NOT see it as an exploit and does not see it as abusing the system. Just because you don’t like how others are doing it doesn’t change the fact Blizz doesn’t see it as such.

No you are absolutely not, lmao. Anyone with two braincells to rub together would just take the ten minute run, reque, and not be QQing on the forums about getting one fast run every couple of dungeons.

it clearly doesnt apply to you kek

anyone ok with botting, RMT, third party gold selling would be on board with it

So anybody twinking is automatically botting or gold sellers / RMT?
I think you should take a deep breath try and think this through a bit harder.

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I think they’ve been huffing a few too many cans of air duster, myself. Imagine getting this mad about a ten minute dungeon run instead of just requeing, or better yet, just avoiding the possibility of a twink tank by using the normal dungeon queue feature lmao.

They’ve had 7-8 years to respond to it and they haven’t yet. There’s been several threads about it in the last month and they haven’t responded to those either. Why do you think that is?

LMAO yeah they got butt hurt when I said they could form their own party to avoid any and all twinks.

one clearly has better rewards…and fury warriors arnt tanks and nither are WW monks

so ur solution is wait 15 mins get a twink leave wait 30 mins for leaver debuff then wait 15 mins for another q just to get another lvl 11 twink

any other pearls of wisdom for us?


cause there isnt any one left at activision that knows what they are doing

next question

You must be getting extremely lucky with those groupings if you are getting a twink in EVERY single que. I’ve only run into 2 out of easily 60 runs in the last month so you are seriously overexagerating the situation.

lmao, no , its participate in the dungeon, get in another queue that likely wont be a twink because they’re not nearly as common as you pretend they are and to quit crying. IF you got that much of a problem with it, literally, DF dungeons are right over there and there are no twinks in em.

its def more then half and i wouldnt call it lucky

It’s not even as pervasive or as widespread as these “sky is falling” types make it out. I think I’ve had like 4 TW dungeons with a twink Warrior over the course of the entire anniversary. If you’re clutching your pearls over this, you need a new hobby. It’s also definitely not an exploit.

I get one every 6-8 runs about on average, personally. They’re semi common but not nearly “Every run” common, i’d kill for every run to be a twink tank.