Should there be any zero tolerance rule for World of Warcraft?

Yes, purchase and sales of WoW tokens is prohibited.

here we go…

verminous vulpera rats and trash pandas can go along too. obliterate them all. embarrassments to their factions.

Totally not true. Speaking from experience.


Uh… um… uh…

internal screaming

Make DPS meters a permenant IP ban and watch people absolutely lose their minds.

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They have a zero tolerance policy now. If you say or do something horrific enough in game, they are free to permaban you will no recourse.

To get even that far they’d need to close the API and log endpoints.

watches as the player base goes poof

Where everyone go?

I’d miss my dps meters and damage taken meters and buff uptime’s. It’s not just seeing pretty numbers neatly presented. Those meters help me identify which trinket is actually providing a benefit and which isn’t; what’s killing me / what damage type is highest in a dungeon/boss fight.

But…I do like seeing my dps numbers increase as tank :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

All classic characters are now ban from retail GD forums.



I’m well aware of the unrealistic nature of my suggestion. I just think it would be interesting to see how people handle themselves simply at the prospect of not having meters to motivate them.

They were never True Gamers to begin with, then.

I think we all do. Heck, I always get a kick out of out-DPSing someone as a Holy Paladin or on my Disc Priest. And of course the utilitarian purposes are plentiful.

I just think it would be an interesting wrench to throw into people’s gamer brains for like, a week.

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over the use of an addon that should honestly be baked into the game in some capacity?

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Add an M+ affix: all addons will randomly present incorrect data (DPS meters will display native screen FPS or becoming pedometers - who’s getting their steps in this dungeon?!)

Ooh another add-on: at the start of the key, your talents and specialization will be randomly generated. Good luck, group of 4 healers and a dps with no kick!

My personal fave: first person affix. All perspectives are now First Person until the player leaves the dungeon.

I…don’t know why I went down this route but your comment reminded me of these things.

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Lol, way to load your question with the word ‘draconian’.

Do you think it’s draconian to ban anti semitic speech, or death threats, or doxxing, or encourage suicidal ideation?

Or is all of that, “just words”?

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I thought it was more a nod to Dragonflight :upside_down_face:


Making real life threats. No excuse for that ever.


If you get caught botting, they should make it so you can never have a account ever again, IP banned, hardwae banned, identity banned… the works

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You’re taking me entirely too seriously on this, you know that right? I literally capitalized True Gamers just to push the tongue-in-cheek nature of it even further. You can put your pitchfork back down, I’m not a threat. I promise lol

Look, Fair… my suggestion was funny.

This is outright evil lmao.

You frighten me.

Suprise suckers - SKYRIM MODE!!

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I ain’t too sure what exactly you’re meaning.

I’ll say one zero tolerance thing should be using exploits for content be it PvE or PvP. If you’re knowingly utilizing an exploit (and “i just wanted to see if it works” isn’t an excuse) you should not be allowed to play. Pretty cut and dry.

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