Should there be any draconian rules or regulations for world of Warcraft as a whole?
Can you give an example? Not sure what you mean.
this is bound to be a productive discussion
It really can be anything from words you say to behaviors in game to abuses of systems within the game and being negative towards others within the game and on the forums.
After seeing bullies and victims hit with equal harsh punishments, Zero Tolerance rules don’t work.
IMO, for blatant rule breaking and exploiting, yes. Punishment and public humiliation.
No one will care about the rules if they are not enforced.
Do you have an opinion on this matter or are you just tossing this one out into the ethos to let the mob decide??
All gnomes are to report to the slaughter house school house for immediate . . . inspection
What popcorn you going with? I thinki I’m going caramel corn actually.
I r confused fox.
Perhaps homeboy wants to facilitate controversy but not be the controversy.
My bet too.
Can you please email me some? thanks!
Oooh caramel corn does sound good.
fax me some!
Ain’t nothing more annoying than the people who ask those kind of questions knowing what they’re doing but want none of the blame on the inevitable fallout. Snake behavior.
Radical thought, make your intended point and allow others to debate it rather than try to find someone who agrees with you in advance. You can do it!
Tries to smash popcorn into fax machine
This is not working very well.