Should there be a cataclysm classic?

To me it just means “not new.” It has nothing to do with the world change.

And I want Cata Classic. Absolutely.

I disagree. The end game was a lot of fun and there were great raids.

“People” ie paying customers, are at the mercy of the vision of the developers. If the developers want to create a cata classic, they will. And they’d probably do it without doing research, which they hate because it might tell them their vision was wrong-headed. If it turned out to be less successful than they assumed it would be from the input they got over the office water cooler, they’d probably blame players.

Snarky? Im merely speaking about how ridiculous it is that you think retail hasnt changed for that long, and you really think I care about how long ago this was made?

My problem with this expansion was that it was a bit overkill. I mean, the expansion overall was awesome, but i loved the old overworld. Not having the option of simultaneously being able to do both was a huge let down. Even with chromie time out for shadowlands, an awesome idea in it’s own right, i still am not able to level in the old overworld if i choose to. The pre cataclysm overworld was awesome, but so was the revamp.

Blizzard also made a ton of design choices for the classes as well. I preffered the ones from wrath. They homogenized everything here. While i wasn’t a fan of the old talent trees, it was the fact that you could bleed into the other ones if you wanted. So if i wanted to be a blood frost dk hybrid, i could. If i wanted to go frost fire mage, i could do that. We legitimately became so restricted to one spec.

Blizzard has pruned way to much from the game over the years. I will likely play cata, but the skill floor, skill ceiling, and skill cap were lowered so much this expansion alone. They removed and changed way to much from what we had in wrath. While i will probably try out a cataclysm classic server option, i will just remember this expansion deleting everything i loved about the game, and replacing it. Alot of the stuff added was awesome. But i did not like all the changed and deleted stuff. Made no sense to me at the time. I am hopefully optomistic about blizz at least adding the classic 1-60 overworld for chromie time to retail, as this was the true crime of cataclysm to me. It just annoyed the heck out of me, and, quite frankly, was the only reason i even tried classic vanilla wow. I missed the original overworld so much, and it is a shame to this day that classic wow through classic wow is the only way to see it. I would much like to see it in retail, as retail is still pretty awesome. The content that is added in retail is also new, where as cataclysm is old news. Wrath of the lich king is old news. I just want the old overworld back at this point.

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Will there be a Shadowlands classic?

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Of course. We will get to see complaints about mage tower in legion classic and shadowlands classic again.

I feel like this has been the thing since cataclysm in fact. I specifically remember the changes causing people to leave this expansion, but alot of folks also felt like heroics 5 mans and the raids and the heroic raids, were way to hard.

The truth is, whatever the reason, it is just white noise to me now whenever someone says they are quitting. It is always something. Sometimes you get your way though. With the cataclysm heroics and raids, blizz just went overkill. They nerfed, changed, and deleted way to much up to this expansion in the pre patch 4.0.1 and the main patch 4.0.3, and it all went downhill in my op.

If this community proves anything, they will cry over anything. As far as something like mage tower’s, that is the hot topic atm. They are way to hard. I mean, i would expect that to be honest. I remember the mage tower’s being the epitomy of challenge to get your legendary artifacts. And not everyone is going to be able to beat the mage tower challenges to aquire those skins. Some stuff in this game should be left to the elitist of players.

With heroics 5 mans in cataclysm, i never felt like they were to hard, but good lord did they overdo it with the nerfing. Part of the problem, for me at least, was that it was a oversight on the developer’s when they added the dungeon finder in wrath. The dungeon finder should have been normal 5 man mode exclusive. They would have avoided this problem to an extent. I remember the heroic 5 mans in wrath being pretty tough in the beginning, and with everyone having incentive to do them, gear inflation took over. The other negative side effect to the dungeon finder was that it gave some really annoying people power. As cool and convenient as the vote to kick system can be, it is heavily abused. Now, instead of taking a few mins to explain stuff to people, we would rather kick them and take 10 milliseconds to get a replacement dps. Just one of the bad things of the system. My favorite are when people click “yes, vote kick this player” Without having a clue as to why they are clicking “Yes”.

Some stuff, like the old 1-60 overworld, i miss alot. In fact, it was the only reason i played classic vanilla wow. Above all the changes and class designs and stuff like that, and not being able to wield a nerubian baddy of a quiver on my back, with some frosty arrows coming out of my huntarded bow, and being able to wield the bow and a couple of swords or a spear at the same time, having to buy ammo, weapon skills, class trainers etc. The retail game is pretty much the same game overall if you choose to play it a certain way, as i do. The classic overworld 1-60 would help the game so much in the retail state in my op, as it was content that everyone playing at the time had access to. Everyone knew about the original deadmines or shadowfang keep. Everyone had trekked through the original barrens at some point. It wasn’t like it was exclusive content either for the elitist players. Just was so frustrating it got removed. Should have been an option to accompany the revamp 1-60 content, which i enjoyed.

Blizzard also added the bonus boss counter to the dungeons, which just ruins them for me, especially the longer ones, most notably blackrock caverns. Why do 20 bosses when you can just do 3 for quick exp. This was a feature that was also added in cataclysm, and they removed parts of instances like wailing caverns. Blizzard just did a complete 180 and the game got way to easy to me. Maybe i am one of those folks that actually enjoys leveling, but i also understand alot of people do not. Which is fine, but i would rather have a version of retail that functions the way that wrath did, with the old overworld and everything, instead of going back to a past version of a past expansion. That is just me though.

It has been 11 years now since cataclysm launched. The game has changed alot, even since then. Alot of people playing wow currently might have missed cataclysm expansion entirely, and all of the versions of wow before cataclysm. They probably only experienced the classic overworld for the first time when classic wow was introduced as an option. I am more into the pristine realm option for wow, if anyone remember’s that discussion. Retail is still awesome, but it just has so many unwanted changes for me, and i play it pretty unconventionally, to say the least. While i know classic wrath is the next version of wow on the horizon for the classic wow lineup, i do in fact hope blizzard explores the pristine realm idea again for the retail servers as well. Just thinking of all the things we did not even have in the cata or wrath era’s of the game, cross realm mounts and pets for example. It just seems like it would be better in the long run for me at least. Although classic server variants are also amazing ideas. But i would rather just play a version of retail that i would enjoy more than the current version of retail, and the current and future versions of classic wow.

They weren’t hard to begin with, holy priests were useless however

Idk, but I will play any version of the game, if it doesn’t have crz, or item level scaling in it.

I think Classic should stop with Wrath. I know a lot of you love Cata and even more so MoP… but the game started changing way to drastically at that point and I think it takes away from what classic is supposed to be. I think WotLK classic will have a pretty active community for many years.

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I honestly would have to disagree. I guess, from my perspective at least, i feel the classic part of wow and the definition of “Classic” isn’t really that defined yet. Classic can mean a couple of things in conjunction with each other.

Classic in it’s simplest form, just means a version of an oldschool copy of the game. That is the simplest form of the word. But it can also be defined past just the nostalgia. What comes to mind for me, is just the feel of the game from vanilla through wrath especially. The way the game played. The old overworld. The class designs. The overworld being more threatening and it being a bit more involved in order to actually level up.

In wrath of the lich king, we started that slope towards more accessibility. Heroic mode raids were added, and normal mode raiding became a more casual friendly form of raiding. Ironically, comparatively to the retail game now, wrath of the lich king wasn’t casual friendly enough by retail standard’s today.

For me at least, it all depends on player demand, and profitability. I do not really see anything wrong with releasing a cataclysm era legacy server or a mop legacy era server for those who want it. But i do feel like wow is mainly cashing in on the nostalgia of the oldschool versions of wow at this point, but there is only so long that the game is going to maintain the cash flow just from getting exposure from nostalgia alone. The gameplay, among other things, was just completely different back then. But i do not feel that is 100 % the definition of classic. For me, at least it would be wise for the developer’s to create a classic version of retail as well. A pristine realm version of retail wow if you will that more emulates the era of wrath of the lich king. I am just using wrath of the lich king as the base for this, as it was undeniably the most popular expansion. There are just so many things wrong with retail atm. As i stated in other posts, cataclysm was overkill. It split the community. I feel like instead of mending the split, it would just make more sense to have more options, retail and classic wow alike, to attract as many people as they can to all the given versions of wow playable at any given time.

Off the top of my head, there are a few things blizzard could do for a pristine edition of a classic retail server. Blizzard could take away all major experience gains common with retail, such as mining and herbing not giving exp anymore. No more heirlooms. The cash shop in regards to wow tokens and purchasable max level characters out of thin air completely gone for this version. Take away the bonus optional boss counter out of all leveling dungeons, that way you cannot skip bosses randomly just for the heck of it. Instead of just 60 levels, balance as many things as you can around 80 levels instead. I mean, you could have chromie time, but it would be nice to have a thing where no matter which chromie time option i used, it would actually be somewhat difficult. I just cannot get behind retail leveling and not even turning on my brain while playing. Etc, etc. Add the classic wow 1-60 overworld back as an option for chromie time leveling as well. Add that maze portion of wailing caverns back in as well. The list can go on for a while, but i also feel like they want to draw the line somewhere. But i would love to have a retail version of wow, that has content added every so often, to feel like an actual MMORPG again. This would be amazing in my view.

As we are speaking, classic wow got a reboot again, but i am seriously hoping blizzard learns from last time. Sorry to say it blizzard, but, being able to purchase a max lvl character right out of the gate for classic bc. I wasn’t a fan. If this line of classic servers continues on down this path, please make it stand out from the current classic of servers. Buying max level toons defeats the purpose of classic if you ask me. It was one of the things that was not even heard of for wow back then.

With a cataclysm classic, they could do the same stuff i guess. Make a normal version like the way it was when it was released up to 4.3.0 with deathwing. But then add a pristine cata version as well, running parralel to that one with the stuff i mentioned above regarding a pristine classic retail experience. Crank up the difficulty a butt load. I mean, that was one of my gripes about cataclysm. It went from super difficult end game and sheeping mobs after every pull, to a zerg fest the next day. Alot of people do not want to play a version of wow that is super easy.

We also just have the digital age of gaming, and the internet, and being able to access anything and everything long before it comes out now. Someone out there has probably datamined what the next major expansion is going to be for wow already. With that being said, it is just so easy to min max the crud out of any given version of wow at this point. I mean, if you like min maxxing and speedrunning through the game in 10 minutes, that is no problem. But, my problem is how many of these player types just expect content to come out of thin air in the next 10 minutes. That is your own fault for burning yourself out so quickly. The entertainment industry at large is trying to combat this, but there really is no forseeable solution to this problem so far. And unless the developer’s can snap their fingers and bust out content as fast as other players data mine and play through it, time gating will be a relatively simple solution for now. I don’t need to tell you what happens when you drink 2 k gallons of water in one hour. I wish i did not have to tell people what the possible outcome might be if you play wow and finish it in 2 days. You might just end up starving yourself if precious content for a while. I still feel it is a bit insane how a group of players went from 50- 60 in shadowlands when it launched in like 3 hours flat. They didn’t seem to be complaining though, so no harm or problems there. But, from some of the forum posts i have seen, alot of warcraft players fail to understand this. Or the fact that some items and events should be super challenging and only completeable by the most elitist of players. And nerfing these challenges takes away from that.

With all that being said, more options is always a good thing. The more options wow has, the more players blizzard can attract to any one given version of their game. I just feel blizzard needs to annalyze what made wrath of the lich king so popular. Because it goes beyond just nostalgia and classic. It was The mmo. So i feel a version of retail that emulated that wrath of the lich king would be a good start for retail, and it would be good for the future of classic versions of the game as well. Giving that classic feel of retail would make alot of people happy.

I know this post is a long one, but those are my thoughts about classic wow. I truly feel like if the developer’s take a step back and analyze what the true definition of classic actually means, people will find that it goes beyond just nostalgia. I mean, the game could be old as the grand canyon itself and i will still play. I just want the retail game that i know the retail game can be. The version of retail that emulates what wrath of the lich king had to offer. Giving each player access to a version of wow he or she fell in love with. To define what truly made wow popular and made it one of the best mmo’s in the world.

Also, i do realize the current scandals going on at blizz as well, which does not help the companies case. But i feel with time blizzard could make a comeback. With that being said, thanks for reading.

No and here is why…

The reason for Classic was, they decimated years of content when they did Cataclysm. Once they do Wrath, that will be enough.

^This, that was a total nightmare but I loved it

I would be up for Cata Classic but nothing beyond that.

Yes, there should be classic servers for every expansion.

I know many of them wouldn’t be very popular but they should exist even if only for the few that want to play them.

And probably much more controversial take, you should be able to start a character on any of those servers, earn whatever rewards you can/want then move forward to retail if you choose too.


I disagree for the simple fact it’s dividing the player base as is, why do that to the already struggling population.





Cataclysm absolutely destroyed the game, and the world.

Azeroth is already in permanent Cataclysm-time…so there’s absolutely no need to go beyond Wrath.

i want cata and mop back so bad. their pvp was the best in both these xpacs i cant reallly pick one over the other but i love them both more than any other xpac and hope to see them again

I personally love that idea, but that would also destroy the economy becuase alot of items that had been removed from the game would start popping up everywhere, next thing you know everyones riding around on there swift zulian tiger with there corrupted ashbringer