Should there be a cataclysm classic?

A cata classic means an eventual MoP classic.

I miss that expansion so much.


MoP Demo was the bees knees.


Thing is, one has the option of playing Cata questlines, already - albeit with squished levels.

The ENTIRE appeal of Classic, to me, is to be able to revisit the world as it stood, before zones and questlines were altered. It’s nice to see, for example, all the old Blood Knight lore from before Liadrin’s redemption and the reclamation of the Sunwell.

As long as those zones & quests are unavailable in Retail, that’s the draw.

I don’t think we’ll need more than those core three game eras: Vanilla, BC, Wrath, to keep Classic relevant. They have innate value as time-capsules, for those who did not get to experience them the first time around.

The bosses were way harder than the trash due to the healer nerd. Trash was easier than BC trash but you couldn’t just pull multiple packs and AoE.

they aint wasting no resources two seperate teams idc it didnt take long for me to get bored of tbc again everything just came back like it was yesterday boring.

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I’d say yes, there should be classic Cata. I wasn’t a big fan of the world/zone revamp, but that was literally the only thing I disliked about Cata. As a rogue, there was the legendary dagger questline, which was great. There was the legendary staff for casters, too. Class design in Cata was in an amazing state, as well. Pretty much all classes were designed well and fun to play. I had a rogue, a hunter, a warrior, a mage, a priest, a druid, and a warlock in Cata, and I played all of them quite regularly, and enjoyed each of them equally. I wanted to make a DK, too, but never got around to it. I’m sure I would’ve enjoyed that, too, though.

Cata class design was truly great. Transmog and Reforging were born, both fantastic features. Raids were great. Dungeons were especially great, one of Cata’s strongest points. Vortex Pinnacle, Lost City of Tol’vir, Halls of Origination, Stonecore, Throne of Tides, Deadmines, all some of my favorite dungeons WoW has had across its entire lifespan. I’d frequently queue up for them, not for gear or gold, but just for the damn hell of it. Enjoyed the gameplay and class design, and enjoyed the dungeons… imagine that.

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Destroyed the old world, and that’s why people wanted Classic.

So I for one wouldn’t want to see Cata ever again.

I feel like this isn’t entirely true. ALthough i am in that camp that litteraly played classic wow for the old 1-60 overworld mainly. But i also felt like the classic wow dungeons at end game, and the low level stuffs, were completely different from modern wow. A completely different experience all around.

You also had pvp battlegrounds like alterac valley, which in the vanilla wow state, was a completely different battleground than what it was in bc classic and forward. So there was always a reason to play classic wow, regardless of how you slice it, and i am actually planning on cloning a couple of toons over there.

While cataclysm i feel would be a cool option to have as an expansion as an option for those who want to play it, i probably would not jump in. With retail and chromie time currently for shadowlands, class design has been probably the best it has been in a long time. Designing all the classes, abilities, talents, etc around 60 levels instead of anything higher than that just solved alot of technical problems blizzard was having for years. We even got a ton of abilities back that were pruned and forgotten as well.

While i enjoyed cataclysm, it was the lack of the option of the old overworld to go back to that dampened it for me. I remember being super excited for this expansion to be honest. The developers enthusiasm for this expansion and what they had in store was highly contagious to say the least. Overall, cataclysm was a awesome expansion overall. I enjoyed myself alot. The 5 mans were cool, so maybe i would take a gander for those oldies. Cataclysm is 10 years old now, so it would be worth another shot. We also had zones liek vashjyr, which were awesome to me. Just the quality was good all around. The expansion looked really good. It was an experiment. I tried to be appreciative of everything that was added to wow in this expansion.

I mean the 2009 blizzcon and 2010 blizzcon, especially when the red shirt guy owned chris metzen was hilarious to say the least. Like the hype was real, and i have never really disliked any of world of warcrafts expansion. Some of the changes i have not liked so much, but it is what it is. At the end of the day, i feel the players especially have become super entitled, and quite frankly, mean spirited. It is important to realize that the developer’s are human beings. It is important to at least do what you can to be appreciative of the work that goes into making wow what it is. Even if it does not fit the glove for you, or you hate it or whatever. I generally see a lot of wow hate these days, and just straight up, well, this game sucks blizz, i am going to quit. That mentality happened alot in cataclysm in fact. Parts of the revamp i did not like, such as the old overworld being gone, but overall it was fun.

I remember watching a documentary on world of warcraft from like 1999 to 2014, and it was an interesting watch. Just all the stuff that goes into making world of warcraft and it’s expansions a reality is impressive. I remember the hype for Battle for azeroth as well, and it was contagious is well. We just have to much negativity, and not enough objectivity. Disliking something is fine with me, but people need to remain objective about it. One of the things i am hoping for with the future of the retail game is getting the ability to have a chromie time option for the classic wow overworld 1-60 and it’s dungeons. I feel like having more options is always good. More versions of old expansion servers, more content, etc. Like if i got the ability to play classic 1-60 for leveling purposes in retail, i think i would go a bit crazy to be honest. It would be about as big as the announcement for classic wow servers. I realize to alot of people, it would not make sense to alot of people adding classic wow 1-60 to retail, and alot of people will just say, well go play classic. The point is that having the option of leveling in this overworld in retail would give a completely different dynamic to leveling up. Alot of people would choose this version of chromie time i am sure.

That is all i really have to say, and i am looking forward to what happens next for world of warcraft. I am sure we will eventually get classic cataclysm servers. I am just appreciative that i still have different versions of wow that i can log on and play. Whenever i want to. Here is to the future of world of warcraft. May the developers continue designing and creating an awesome game.

Oh so retail hasnt changed since December 7, 2010. Good to know.

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Nope I didn’t think classic should be a thing anyways they should’ve left private servers to it.

People crave about wotlk being the best expansion that should be it. Keep it there and stop going on and diving resources you could put into one game.

No. Stop it at Wrath.

SOM forever :+1:

Cata classic would be an instant success if they can keep the dungeons launch difficulty and actually release the cancelled raid: The Abyssal Maw.

Cata was pretty dope for PvPers.

No, they should literally skip over Cataclysm. I’d play a MoP classic and even WoD classic (yeah, won’t happen) but I absolutely wouldn’t play Cata classic

Definitely will play Cata Classic for the nostalgia I had when I first started. Its a little bit more casual friendly than the others which fits my criteria so I’m all in for it! I think they should end Classic at MoP, after that I probably won’t play it any longer.

Oh, so you felt the need to necro a thread from months ago to be snarky?

@ title - Yes. I think it’s different enough from retail there’s no reason not to.

Given that goblins are my favorite race, I would love to see cata classic since I would get to experience the first time goblins were introduced as playable.

One hundred thousand percent no.

I think at some point it becomes a bit cluttered to have every version of WoW turned into Classic. I also think that it wouldn’t be hard for them to make Wrath cause it still is very similar to classic and tbc in design in many ways. When you go into Cataclysm and onward the game basically began version 2.0 of itself. Currently I’d say we’re in version 2.5 with the systems on top of all other changes in its design, but not yet version 3.0 of WoW.