Should there be a cataclysm classic?

Goblins were introduced in cata and their racials used to be op back then. Since I absolutely love goblins I would love to be able to play them like when they were first introduced.

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I need a cata classic so I can give my combat rogue a proper send off :frowning:

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I think this is the only way they could get away with building hype for it. Otherwise it will be a very niche group playing

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Yeah, which is a shame. I really liked the Firelands daily area that unlocked over time, and I enjoyed raiding throughout Cata. My shammy was my main for some time while I was raiding back then. I also liked the Cata zones… even Vashj’r. I remember getting Loremaster before Cata, and then I went and did it again when they revamped all the zones. Maybe an unpopular opinion but I liked the new quests for almost all the zones.

Actually, too many good memories for me to list during Cata. xD

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My boyfriend would be playing tomorrow if they released a Legion classic, or better yet, just reverted all changes back to the last patch in Legion.

You seem to be under the impression that my opinion is the only one. Let me correct you: me not understanding is because I had a different experience— as we all do.

My anecdotal experience is from three servers of roleplayers who casually got through everything. Without the experience of finding them difficult or inaccessible, I obviously don’t understand the perspective I haven’t seen.

Why is that so difficult for you to understand?

“Classic” should have stopped at Vanilla.

No, you said that because your experience was not what most people say was theirs, that their experience wasn’t valid. Reread what you wrote.

Your “anecdotal experiences” always seem to go entirely against what most players have experienced, and you always claim this means that those players are wrong, they didn’t experience what they experienced, and they were playing wrong so it was their own fault.

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Never played Cata cause I was a poor college kid at the time so I wouldn’t mind.

False. Absolutely nowhere did I say their experience wasn’t valid. YOU need to reread what I wrote.

Here, let’s break it down:

Which means “I’m not sure why they felt they were inaccessible.” Why? Because I didn’t experience it and so do not have that perspective.

Bolded for you. Not understanding means very blatantly NOT UNDERSTANDING. I tried and got through them. I am used to others trying, instead of giving up or not trying. So again… without the perspective, I don’t understand.

Meaning I found them accessible and my guilds did, as well. That doesn’t say everyone. That doesn’t say “they’re all wrong.” That doesn’t say “my experience invalidates them.” It’s quite simply MY EXPERIENCE.

Meaning: I honestly don’t get it. Which means, I have not had the experience to know what that’s like.

So no. You’re wrong. You twisted what I said. I am not invalidating anyone nor anything.

  1. There are others here that have had similar experiences as me and four guilds across three servers. It’s amazing how in a game of millions, different people experience different things, huh?
  2. Show me proof of this “most players.” Because this forum is roughly 1% of the playerbase, as told to us by Blizzard themselves. And if I’m the minority, so what? It’s MY experience and MY opinion. Deal with it or ignore me.

False on every single account. You’re making all of that up, twisting my words to what you want to hear and refuse to believe someone has a different experience or opinion than you.

You’re the one with the problem, not me.

You’re right, it is subjective, almost all of it. Including everything you wrote.

The real issue for any pro-Cata Classic folks – if you’re even able to pull it off in a believable fashion, which gets harder the closer you get to retail because the versions cease to be as different from one another (the modern design of triage healing traces its routes directly back to Cata) – is that very few people, comparatively, consider it a favorite xpac or even in their top 3 or 4. You are absolutely an outlier in that regard, and I don’t think you’d see nearly the community response you think you would. I can’t say I’ve seen two dozen posts here over the years extolling the virtues of Tol Barad, for instance.

As to what ActiBlizz wants to make money doing, “(my) people” don’t have any illusions that the game is an exercise in philanthropy. But I want the game itself to grow and innovate, and it will do none of that while it devotes resources to Classic instead. If you want to see what happens to a company that gets bogged down in nostalgia while its competitors lap it, we can have a very long and boring (but factually correct) discussion about Jaguar Cars Ltd. over about a 30-year period.

I never said otherwise.

We don’t actually know. We have no numbers for this. Subs tell us nothing about how people felt about an expansion. People leave for many reasons. So until Blizz gets their surveys out there when this gets thought about, we can’t say.

Once again, we have no source for this.

This is a forum of roughly 1% of the playerbase, according to blue posts here. So this forum doesn’t show any statistics we can use.

People keep claiming there’s all of these resources going to a game that’s already a finished product and free. I don’t see this at all. I don’t know where people came up with this either.

Absolutely not. If they do (And lets be real they will with how profitable TBC is) add WotLK it needs to stop there. Hell, I even disagree with them keeping Classic and TBC servers separate.

This comes up a lot. “Representative sampling” is why we’re able to get very accurate predictions on elections by polling only a fraction of a percentage of the voter base.

I’m confident enough to say that, having watched this forum wax and wane over the years, based on player feedback, there is interest in Classic versions of (in order): Vanilla, Wrath … TBC … MoP … everything else combined.

They didn’t even finish that. Some zones never got touched and a few only saw minor changes for certain factions.

Dustwallow Marsh remains the same from the vanilla / TBC version with the exception of the Theramore highway that got added.
Elwynn forest remains the same other than the Northshire Abby area and some enemy NPC relocations, mainly Goldtooth and Princess.
Arathi Highlands remains pretty much the same at least for Alliance. Horde saw some updates with the Stormgarde focused quests relocated to a new hub nearby the then ruined city.
Silithus actually had some quests removed for whatever reason and weren’t replaced with new ones.
I also think Teldrassil is mostly the same with the finale being changed. Along with the dialogue during the moonwell visiting chain being different to reflect the events of the Stormrage Novel.
Not to mention the Blood elf and Draenei starting areas (Azuremyst Isle, Bloodmyst Isle, Eversong woods and Ghostlands) remain the same as they were in TBC.

Throne of the Four Winds was great? Al’akir didn’t even get a voice actor.
Dragon soul was great as well? O.o

Honestly for me, Firelands and Bastion of Twilight were the only great raids of Cata.

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And this forum isn’t an accurate depiction of that. Sorry.

I’m not saying you’re wrong about possible preferences for Classic versions, but I would never say with any conifdence, accuracy or factual statistics where Cata lies, whether it’s middle or low end or what.

Regardless of anything, I have my likes and others have theirs. I want to see it, I wish others would try to enjoy it for what it had. That’s it, that’s all.

I enjoyed it immensely. Had a lot of fun with the mechanics and getting the mount.

Dragon Soul was exceptionally fun. I hate Spine now, but back then, it was a unique fight. Deathwing may have gone out in a stupid shower of sparkles, but the fight was interesting and fun.

Those were awesome to me, too!

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If they stop at WOTLK I wonder what will happen to those characters. Stuck on a Wrath forever server? I think it’d be cool if you could just import to retail but I’m aware that a lot of collectors in retail would be upset, especially if this ends up being a last minute announcement.

I would love a Cataclysm Classic, but I’d also love for resources to be dedicated mostly to the main game itself. Then again I am told there are two different development teams for the classics and non-classic

I only want WotLK after this and Legion. Rest I dont want to reexperience.

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