Should there be a cataclysm classic?

By today’s standards I’m sure they’re a faceroll, but prior to those dungeons, there were no one-shot mechanics in dungeons. If you failed a dungeon mechanic pre-Cataclysm you made life harder for the healer, and if enough players failed, the healer would OOM mid-fight. Cataclysm changed that. At least at the beginning of the expansion. Failing to dodge a charge or stepping into the fire was instant death, and there was a high likelihood that the healer would OOM before the boss died. If you’re remembering them as casual content, then you didn’t play with many casuals at release. I was in a Heroic progression guild that got the sever first kill for Alliance on Deathwing, and I couldn’t even convince my guildies to set foot in the troll heroics.

Yes. Relaunch Cata with all the Worgen content they intended to be put in, the cancelled raid, and better tuning at launch.

YES!! Id play a cata server

Why not, how would Cata be any different from the others?

I don’t think so, but I think my opinion on that is skewed from years of seeing people say that cata sucked. I feel like it wouldn’t be that popular and would be a waste of Blizz’s time but I was told not too long ago that there are Cata private servers so I guess if there are enough people that want it then there should absolutely be a Cata classic.
There’s no reason for me to be against it just cause, if people enjoy it then bring it out for them.

If the only thing we’re going to get out of Cata Classic is talent trees and glyphs, I think we’ve hit the end of what the “Classic” experience can bring to the game.

As for flying, you won’t find a bigger flying advocate than me, but it doesn’t apply as cleanly in Cata because (a) you can already fly in Cata zones in retail and (b) the Pathfinder system, imperfect as it is, at least leads to flying in retail because the WoW staff now knows it’s impossible for them to ever keep flying out. Cata-on-live becomes the outlier xpac in that flying was available from the outset.

All of Classic is just a money grab, and Wrath is basically the last opportunity to make that money. You can’t really do a Cata Classic because there’s not a significant difference between what retail looks like in those zones now versus what it would look like after a Classic treatment, so you’d almost have to skip over Cata to do MoP Classic to give people a noticeably different environment. And as much as I liked MoP – especially the raiding – I wouldn’t spend a minute in it or any other “classic” environment.

At this point, the only thing endless “classics” are doing for ActiBlizz is lining their pockets with empty cash while devaluing the retail experience and costing resources that could be used for retail development.

No. Stop at wrath and put the classic teams back on retail.

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Do you guys think that Cata Classic would even have the enthusiasm or the playerbase to justify it’s existence?

I personally liked Cata, but a lot of people didn’t, and I don’t blame them. Even though I liked Cata, I have no interest in living out those glory days. I am still one achievement short on retail in the Firelands daily quest zone.

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I’m starting to suspect that people believe if the classics didn’t exist that they’d have more content in retail

NO, cata was the worst. You do not want vash’jir as current content. And spine of deathwing again…NOPE. The dungeons were also very bad.

If it means MOP classic I can live with it.


No, I don’t, and it creates a quandry for Blizzard in a big way.

Cata was mediocre (or worse) as current content and has not aged well. I doubt you’ll find many people who liked it, or especially not any that truly loved it the way some did the first three packs. But the bigger issue here is that MoP was wildly popular with a lot of people, and MoP/WoD class design and gameplay is generally regarded as the most fun things ever were by folks who have played the entire series.

So do you skip over Cata and do MoP Classic? Or do you have to do Cata Classic to then do MoP Classic?

And then do the wheels really come to a screeching halt at WoD, or do you basically do WoD II, where we finally get the whole xpac we were promised?

Yeah, I agree. I think there needs to be a cutoff for classic expansions.

And yeah, although I really enjoyed Cata, I wouldn’t say I loved it, and can’t think of anyone who loved it either. It’s never in anyones list of favorites, but it is often in their list of worst expansions. I think those expansions are fine for something like Chromie Time, though (Cata and WoD in particular)

I have not idea. Not sure how much work creating “classic” versions is but it can’t be that much if you can play it with no additional cost.

I think what baffles me even more is that warlocks in retail can still get soul shard bags. But my hunter is not allowed to get a nerubian reinforced quiver, simply because it does not exist for trade anymore. Like some of the changes made in this expansion alone were the absolute worst. Likewise, i cannot find someone to trade me some iceblade arrows either.

I for one would play the first few patches. It was my favorite expansion for healing. Even DS was fun if you were in a raiding guild, though it was not one of the best raids by any stretch and the LFR version was probably too easy. If they keep the difficult dungeons, make LFR a little more challenging, and create an LFR version for the pre-4.3 raids, I might just play the whole thing, time-permitting.

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Experiencing Cata, Molten Front, Tol Barad, dungeons, raids, PvP, talents, glyphs, professions, guild perks, etc. all at that content’s level as if it were new is absolutely what I want and is definitely not the end of the experience for me.

Same reason why people want Mists Classic.

I disagree. Especially since so many want to get to Mists.

  1. It’s a corporation. Of course they make money. The sooner people like you stop treating this as some philanthropic project, the better.
  2. It devalues nothing. Play what you want. Nothing is lost.
  3. Classic’s little team takes nothing from retail and is just a bitter and baseless excuse. Retail’s shortcomings aren’t because of less development issues.


You’d be surprised.

Mists, sure. But all of those classes were built off the backbone of what Cata started. Warlords? Hell no. Class design was a mess. Questing was fun but end game was crap.

I loved it. And everyone I know has Cata as their first or second favorite. So I’m guessing we’ll never really know for sure.

But the problem is that most people forget a lot of things about Cata and only attribute the world change and, for unknown reasons, our new talent system.

What don’t you understand about how other people might have different experiences and preferences, and your experience does not invalidate what maybe that of the overwhelming majority, or at least enough players so blizzard felt obligated to make changes fast?

Enough subscribers felt that subscribing was holding them back from having fun that they left.


no please no… i hope they skip cata classic and go straight to wotlk classic.