Should there be a cataclysm classic?

Nothing. The developers should devote that attention to prioritizing the current game. Leave the classic version unchanged for the people who want it.

Right. So it did actually happen. There was a vast difference between the end of WLK and the start of Cata in class design, dungeon design, and player mentality. Late WLK was all big aoe action. At the start of cata we suddenly had to start playing carefully again. I remember it with great delight, that I suddenly had to use some careful polymorphs again. I have particularly fond memories of vortex pinnacle, and having to poly one of the healers just outside of the anti magic field. I also have frustrating memories of those same encounters and some over zealous tank going in and attacking all the mobs at once, or tanking them within the fields. Great times.

Also they did continually put out nerfs throughout cata patches, making them progressively easier.

Yes, Classic Cata, Classic Mist, Classic WoD, Classic Legion, Classic BFA, Classic Shadowland.
Milk them all!

Yes, we need Cata Classic. (So that eventually we can get to MoP Classic.)

Wrath classic+

Basically what osrs did to original runescape- bring back the original skeleton of the game then build on it and add new things and make it its own new game

Give wow after wotlk a new path different from cata

Although personally i loved cata and would 100% play cata classic and redo heroic dungeons and endtime

Mop classic would be the ultimate game

i mean, i had a lot of fun in cataclysm. But you have to stop somewhere.

4 years from now when Wrath will end the cycle - hopefully something good will happen in retail, maybe even wow2 or just death of wow. We can’t just keep playing systems instead of a game

It was the fact that it was all new at the time as well. Player experience plays a large part in terms of how content gets handled and how quickly it get’s handled.

Wrath 5 man heroics were easy when dungeon finder launched due to gear inflation mainly. I mean, the ilvl/gearscore gap was huge with icc between those old 5 man heroics. The frost emblems were a notable bonus as well.

In cataclysm, the pre nerfed stuff was pretty hardcore as i remember for the 5 mans on heroic. However, eventually, gear inflation took over, including blizzard nerfing stuff across the board over the course of the expansion.

I mean for me, i would not care if they did or not. Cataclysm is pretty much when folks started talking about classic versions of wow in the first place, and is pretty much when retail wow became retail. So many drastic changes were made in cataclysm, and even today, it still feels the same to me roughly.

Wrath of the lich king was a nice, solid middle ground most would argue. There were things i did not like, but that old 1-60 overworld was all still there. Minus a few things. Original lvl 60 naxx was gone and revamped to lvl 80 naxx. Old onyxias 60 lair was revamped to be a lvl 80 raid instead, in the same place of dustwallow marsh. And the original pally and warlock quest lines for the mounts were removed, and you no longer needed vanishing powder to use vanish spell on rogues, and you no longer needed to find poison labs for poison skillsets.

That is all that i can think of in terms of actual changes from bc to wrath that would even be noticeable, although i am sure there are others. In wrath, leveling was still a huge part of the game, all the way to lvl 80. Then you progressed through heroics and raids and junk and dailies like you did with any other expansion ever. In wrath, blizzard also mitigated damage and stuff like that for leveling, so that it was not as trivial. Still pretty hard though from what i remember, and warriors were still the hardest class to level.

Cataclysm is when wow lost that bloodborne dark souls leveling bs, and now we just zerg through everything essentially. Wow got a more of an , last level is the only thing that really matters motiff going on. You could take on 10 mobs at a time at the lower lvls and still kill stuff. 90 percent of the old world was gone, which was a huge mistake if you ask me. Having both overworlds accesible for leveling as options would have made this expansion so much better to me, and it would still help now. Shadowlands added chromie time. Level where we want for 50 lvls except pre cata stuffs. Makes no sense to me.

They removed and changed so much junk in cata. No more ammo. No more weapon skills. Rage and warrior stances normalized. Level requirements for dual wielding and a ton of other stuff not needed anymore. Old overworld gone, and a few dungeons revamped with no options of doing any of the old stuff. Extreme homegenization of all classes. Game adapting to players instead if player adapting to the game. Most spells and abilities all got tied to specilizations when before most spells and abilities were tied to the entire class, Mainly for rpg purposes against npcs in the overworld. Examples being fire mages needing frost spells because fire spells were useless to some mobs, such as any fire based mob. And most mana based classes never really used spells and abilities using mana anymore either as i recall, and all classes had spammable moves without always requiring the main resource. This also meant you no longer needed to eat or drink after pulling a mob for quests, and if you did it was rare.

Cataclysm knocked me off my feet with all that stuff. I still play my hunter in retail with ammo in his bags. So stupid that they removed ammo and changed all that stuff to me. I do not feel like a hunter with no ammo or dual sword or spears and a bow or a gun at my side at all times. Raiding and end game and leveling up used to go hand in hand, and was at it’s best in wrath to me. ALl the way to lvl 80.

While blizzard is fine to make cata classic, i probably will not play it. Cataclysm is pretty much retail, and every time i lvl a toon in retail anyway, i always hit cataclysm 80-85 content at some point anyway.

It was absolutely insane to me how much stuff got changed this expansion alone to be honest. You could also fly and port everywhere whenever wherever you wanted. You also were handed all the flight paths to every zone right at the beginning for the first like 60 lvls or so.

Technically cataclysm was wow 2. first 3 clients are a part of wow 1.

Nope, they should just reset at Vanilla if they want to keep it going.

Wrath was the end of an era. A very good, but very different era. Classic ends with Wrath.

Cata is the beginning of modern WoW.


Just skip it and go straight to Pandaland

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Says who? Cata’s dungeons where doable with pugs. Heroics were even simple as long as people paid attention.

In simplest terms, yes. They should continue the line of “legacy” servers until it’s no longer worth it

hell no

character limit

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I am content with the classic servers stopping after lich king. Cata was good but it was a new era that is more modern for current players. I wouldn’t be mad if they did tho.

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Not originally, unless one is talking about the nerf’d pre-Cata dungeons. There was a hue and cry from the four corners about the extreme difficulty of Cata’s dungeons … so much so that it took the developers little time to nerf them, inflate the gear stats, and implement other little goodies to silence the mobs. “Throne of the Tides” went from an hour+ to complete to about 30 minutes front-to-back with modestly geared folks. “Grim Batol” got nerf’d to the point that the hardest part of that run was targetting the trogs from the dragon runs to meet the body count for quest completion.

No, they have to stop somewhere (unless they want 8 versions of WoW running simultaneously) and Wrath is a good place to draw that line. The Cata version of the old world is right there in retail, just walk outside your city.

As much as I wouldn’t mind playing heroic Deadmines/SFK again, I think three “Classics” is the limit to what Blizzard can reasonably be expected to maintain.

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The funny thing is that the cata heroics weren’t even that hard. I mean, i am the absolute definition of a wow noob. If i can do it, everyone else should have been able to do it. Tanking and healing were the hard parts, but even then, it was not that bad lol.

Personally, I wouldn’t play it. If there was an opportunity to stay on a WotLK server, that’s where I would stay.

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Yah i would as well. To much changed from cataclysm forward for me to actually move to cataclysm. At that point i might as well play retail.

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