Should the 500 Pound Warrior be able to catch the magical mage?

giant battleships and aircraft carriers are made exclusively of steel. lots of it.

The biggest mistake kiters make is doubling and tripling up on their anti-gap closer abilities. Basically, they panic.

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Lol unless it’s vs a hunter. Then I need a few more shimmers

I knew I recognized your name from somewhere. You were that mage I saw in ToK last night that I tried to sac when I saw a hunter on you. But his damage was so quick that I couldn’t get within range in time.

Plus he was up on the ledge, so I would have had to do a large u-turn to go smack him.

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if you ice block you shoiuld not live, you should die freezing

yeah you’ve gotta be trolling lmao

My strategy as a ret to protect casters from hunters only works if I can immediately go after the hunter. If he was in the pit, he would have been dead meat. But up on the ledge, all he has to do is pull back a bit or line me behind the pillar.

Physics though

I used to be an NLS certified lifeguard. Trust me when I say, it would be impossible to swim with a suit of armor on even for a single second unless it was tinfoil.

Its all about mass of water displaced. Next time you are in a pool throw a 40lb dumbell into the deep end and try to get it out. Its not bad until you break surface with it and that 40 lbs isnt displacing water anymore. Then it feels like 100lbs.

The best an armored warrior could hope for would be to keep his face above the surface until a priest lifegripped them out with 1 HP. Lol

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panda bellies have a built in ballast system. its ok not to know stuff.

hey bro realism was out the door with this game

Ever wondered why humans are the only great ape that has the buoyancy to swim properly? Because we have the bodyfat to do so whilst the others have too much muscle and will likely drown. Just think about that for a minute.

Mages shouldn’t have 2 blinks.

They should catch you and the mage should explode on impact.

Remove stealth from hunters and I’d be okay with the rest of their toys. As of now, it’s absurd getting pegged for so much damage from max range before you can react. And this is coming from a battleground perspective. Yea, in arena hunters probably need stealth. But most pvp in this game does NOT happen in arena. And with Blitz Brawl rated on the way, they’ll be even less in arena. So time for major pvp rebalancing away from arena.

Won’t work so well if they’re night elves with shadowmeld though…

I honestly forget, does sniper break shadowmeld ? I think it has a two second grace after you move. Not sure.