Should Selling/Buying AOTC or other Raid/PVP Achievements Be Cheating?

Groupfinders are littered with very similar posts outright selling AoTC and Uldir raid clears.

If it’s not “supported” then it should be eliminated.

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Oh, don’t get me wrong, I know Blizzard’s stance is in game services for in game gold is fine. I was thinking about things in the vein of governments trying to outlaw the world’s oldest profession. If you think about what that means, you’re essentially telling people that you can go do something for free between consenting adults, but if as soon as you introduce those consenting adults consenting to making a monetary transaction between them the thing you otherwise say is fine is all of the sudden not fine. Which is kind of ridiculous when you think about it that way.

And that principle works just as well for paid gold carries in game.

I think the issue of legitimacy is still there either way. If you aren’t able to get whatever achievement you are trying to get because you haven’t demonstrated the appropriate skill to execute and get it done, but you pay people for it who are so skilled they can do it with less than a full group and just carry you through so your lack of said skill can still get the prize… you haven’t really done it right and are just kind of faking it.

That’s like beating a game on cheat mode. Yeah, you can get to the end, but what did you really accomplish?

But either way, Blizzard says its fine.

You seem big mad about something that doesn’t involve you.

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You’re taking this way to seriously. It’s just a title in a game, it’s not really hard to tell if someone has purchased a run. More often than not they will only have one kill on the boss that gives it. Like I said it’s a title in a game, comparing it to real world job situations just isn’t the same.

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There were a lot of communities who have done complimentary runs. Zeroes to Heroes has participated in Friendship Mooses to Buddy Birds and many introductory and training runs, not quite at the scale of Perky Pugs, but still giving back to the community.

It would give people who sell these and people who buy them less reason to play.

They already changed personal loot so that if you die, you can’t receive traded loot. I think this was intended to eliminate loot carries.

It’s in the quote you happened to link where they so said in the very first word it is ALLOWED. They don’t support it by not giving carry groups actual means to sell the runs in game outside of ingame trade and the group finder which usually quickly get taken down by reports of advertisement. There is no “consumer protection” blizzard is supporting so when you pay your 150-200k or whatever it is now before the run and then they kick you from the group, Blizzard isn’t going to do anything to help you.

Or you could just get AotC like normal people do from killing Ghuun, like the hardest part of the fight is getting competent orb runners and you win easy peasy.

It was allowed for the longest time up until last year so that’s no shock. Now however you can right click the groups, hit report, and select “advertising” as the reason. I’m slowly seeing fewer and fewer such groups.

Are you sure about that? People die in my raids all the time and I’ve never had any issues trading loot. Besides, that wouldn’t be fair to a group that legitimately won by the skin of their teeth and finished the fight with half the raid down. Or a fight like Zek’Voz where mechanics dictate that at least some group members will be dead by the end.

You have to ask yourself, if it’s not okay to buy carries with gold, an in-game currency; why should being carried by friends any different? You have no way of knowing if there’s anything being traded for runs, etc. If getting carried is allowed at all, I do think buying a run, or trading runs for in-game stuff is fine.

That said, one of the reasons I actually dislike Discord, skype, other out of game chat options is a result of real-world item trading and selling carries for real money. Blizzard hasn’t done nearly enough to combat this, and on top of that you can trade in-game currency for bnet money which is becoming more and more ‘worth it’ as more games get added to bnet.

You type in M+10 or other variations for mythic+ runs, just looking for basically any groups and there’s so much spam that is very clearly being used for real-world trading that Blizzard does nothing about even with the report function specifically for that, which means they don’t seem to action accounts based on reports from that and it doesn’t seem to hide every group you report with it.

You guys could really clean this up by making Player Contracts available for sale on the AH.

Seller: Player A
Buyer: Player B

  • Player A list contract on AH.

  • Player B buys a contract for AOTC achievement from the auction house (gold is held by Blizzard until contract is met or cancelled)

  • Player A and B meet up and complete the raid requirements with both members in the raid group. Player B gets achievement in this case and Player A now receives the held gold because all criteria of the contract were met and verified by Blizzard.

  • Player A and B meet up and decide not to go through with contract for whatever reason. Player B cancels contract gold held by Blizzard is returned to player B.

There may be some scenarios where you can’t support contracts sell-able on the AH but I can’t think of any right off. This would be better protection for transactions in game that are allowed but not supported.

You’re really over complecating this. Not to mention, I’m not sure Blizzard wants anything to do with this at all. At least that is what I get from that blue reponse.

Indeed. As something they permit, but don’t support, if they put a system like that in, they’d have to support it.

Maybe they should to protect players from scams.

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Honestly the best way for players to protect themselves from scams is to not engage in buying/selling runs.

Sure, they could.

I can’t speak for Bliz, but I don’t see them building a feature and/or supporting something that allows players to achieve/access content they couldn’t earn on their own merit. Someone wants those things: buy them at their own risk.

As someone who sells and has sold mythic and heroic bosses/achieves, it really doesn’t accomplish anything for the people who buy it. You’ve got achievement on your account sure but to anyone who has earned it themselves its worthless unless you have logs. I’ve had apps to my guild that bought a carry and they got declined within a few hours. I constantly decline 380+ players from groups because they have no achieves or terrible logs. People aren’t “beating the game” they’re buying the end cutscene from us.


Funnily enough you can get the same product on YouTube absolutely free!

But yeah I agree. In the age of logs where someone’s entire raiding history is available at the click of a button it’s really easy to see if one Mythic kill is an outlier.

Or like we did in Wod, the mount. In fact we told the peroson we would carry to just stand on the side and die. The fact that they have the mount doesn’t bother me at all. I sitll had fun with my guild working on that riad and all of the other ones we have done. And that’s why I raid, the fun. The gear and other stuff is just icing on the cake.