Should Selling/Buying AOTC or other Raid/PVP Achievements Be Cheating?

Buy gold with $
Trade gold for AOTC
Pay to win ez :sunglasses:

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I wish it was banable,even for in-game gold. Unfortunately, it isn’t, and it’s rife with opportunity to scam people. I’d avoid it.

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I don’t care. AOTC isn’t “Ahead” of anything. It’s the bare minimum for someone who raids consistently.

Selling M+ runs is just prudent in-game business. If that becomes cheating you will see much of the most passionate userbase start to drift away. Someone who has to put out 100k-150k for consumables each week so they can do monster keys and mythic raiding isn’t going to want to play if they need to yawn their way around TGS or Drustvar farming anchor weed or whatever. They also aren’t likely to buy a token or two each week instead.

It’s really not difficult to get AOTC or time a +10. The people who pay for these achievements and runs are either on alts, casual, or sick of pugging. Anyone who puts in the time can get them.

That’s not the same as putting a paylock between a person and their end-game content or BIS items or whatever.

Edit: For in-game gold of course. I don’t mean selling for actual money, that’s a totally different scenario. When you pay someone in game money for a stack of anchor weed or a bunch of flasks or something you’re essentially just paying for their time and skill because you didn’t want to level alchemy or go around farming. Same thing with paying gold for a run.

I honestly don’t even see why it’s necessary: Doing +10s and heroic clears isn’t exactly rocket science. I guess it’s nice to avoid pugs, however, since they can be pretty toxic. If you want to spend some gold on that then go right ahead as far as I’m concerned, it doesn’t influence my gameplay at all.

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I see dozens of ads for selling runs when I look in group finder. I look for a Waycrest Manor dungeon run to get the Rank 2 Anchor Weed book, and all I see listed are WTS (want to sell) runs. They don’t say whether they are selling for game gold or real money, and I am not so curious I will sign up to find out.

You need to report any advertised in group finder if you’re bothered by it. Whether it’s real life money or in-game gold, advertising in group finder is not allowed.

That said, though, I’m generally okay with gold transactions to play with someone.

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The way I think Blizz considers this is all part of the “fragile” economy of wow… but its not fragile and I consider it to be a short cut that fills the gaps made by an exclusionary clique of hardcore players (i.e. You dont have a raider io score…cant play unless you pay us.)

The tech industry is FULL of people who attain certificates/credentials through braindumps and other cheat tactics but suck at the actual material. They are sadly very common but that has not severely diminished the value of the certs themselves. Those losers still manage to get jobs and live comfortably because there are far more positions than there are truly qualified people.

Just like in WoW, there are relatively few truly gifted players but those rosters still need filled. Better to have a bench of prospects who at least have some determination rather than having to hold countless trials and interviews with nothing but a handful of hope to keep you going.

Cheating, no
Disallowed, yes
As should botting, imho

Nope, it’s not cheating, no matter which way you slice it.

If you want to take it from the standpoint of the rules, well, it’s fair play. Gold may be exchanged for in-game services. You can disagree with the rules, the same as you might disagree with a parking ticket. See how far that gets you.

If you want to take it from a lore/RP standpoint, then fine. I am the brave, courageous Druid that is short on time but has an overflowing gold coffer. “Say, you lot, yeah you! Would you be so kind as to lead me to the big, bad dragon, kill it, and let me have some of its sweet loot? No? Would all of this gold change your mind? Ahh, much better… now that you have accepted, let’s be off!”

That’s pretty much it. Any further argument is rooted in jealousy (I worked so hard for this, and you just bought yours?!?!), but that’s life. If a thing can be either bought with cash, or created with hard work, the people that buy with cash will always be looked down upon by the people that had to toil for their reward.

Of course, unless those that toil sell the fruits of their labor for cash, which is basically how all of life works. But, somehow it is maddening and surprising within the context of a video game. Go figure.

It is ok to carry for gold, Blizzard doesn’t officially support it because they can’t officially back it. Was told my a GM before a couple of expansions ago that it is actually a good thing. It brings a level of economy to the game and promotes in server interaction between upper tier players and lower level players. Buying carries for gold isn’t against TOS and never will be.

Do you understand the difference between the words ‘allowed’ and ‘supported’. Do you understand that they are not mutually exclusive? This is the answer to your question.

If having the AOTC achievement meant you were winning then sure.

Heck no the 90% of the peopel against this are people that cant get it and cant afford it

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The most relevant point here, AOTC doesn’t mean anything TBH. Linking AOTC to anyone is just like… thats nice Idling knows whats up

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If they’re gonna keep making limited time mounts like the moose and violet birb, I don’t see the issue.

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No. Mainly because I see it in a RP perspective of a weaker citizen hiring the elite adventurers to protect them while they collect goods.

Just frowned upon.

I’d be in favor of them making a separate category or adding a filter tag system so folks can filter out advertisements of runs in the LFG tool.

i dont even know what AOTC is and ive been playing since few monthes into Vanilla

In game item to in game action is ok
Out of game item to in game action is not. Ok.

That does not mean runs are supported. It is an unsupported transaction. This means if you get scammed your gold will not be returned to you. The scammer will be punished but you will not be made whole.

Advertising in LFG is considered spam and is reportable. Advertising in trade is ok, but watch the frequency of the advertisement. You can get reported for spam and silenced.

If a really good gold farmer buys AotC/CE what’s wrong with that? They still In a way earned it long as it’s not real money ofc

Interesting how the ethics in WoW have changed over the years.