Should Raid Titles be FOMO?

Nope it does not, do not care, its not cool.

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You know that I view titles and all that like cluttering trash on screen,
in the raid frames I just need to see the name (when I am healing). I have no awareness of what players use their titles. If I could have addon which would autohide it (or UI option) it would’ve been always on.

… and again, none of this is FOMO. Quit using a term you have no idea what it means even less how to use it.

Given how awful names look by default on the screen, I can’t even read what most titles are on the off chance I even see them.

I like the way D4 does titles. Let me mix and match options for my own entertainment.

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It would be interesting to make titles and mounts from raids more special. No I don’t think you’d find many people on the forums to agree with this kind of idea xd Imagine how mad people would be if the current legendary only dropped from mythic.

PEOPLE assign value for things in a video game they cannot and will not ever own. Most people couldn’t care less. This is how the NFT scam ended up becoming a thing.

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100% this. The need of some players to flex in a game is ultra cringe.


Some of these things are trophies or medals.

And you get trophies and medals for winning the season or the event and you can’t go back in time and win awards from the past. You had to be there.

While it may be “greedy” to want to hold onto the medal or trophy you earned at the time, it’s also extremely resentful and greedy to want to take it away.

There are already raid titles which are FOMO: the “Fated Slayer” titles for getting Hall of Fame.

That’s because some of us never use it lol.

Of course I know that. I heal, as well. When I heal, people don’t even have names. They are just green bars to fill.

If you learn how to read, I didn’t post about what you see. I posted about what I see.

It literally does. Supply & Demand is Business101

not in this game it does not

oh okay i’m sorry

I really can’t remember the last time I saw someone with a title or mount and thought, “wow that’s cool.”

There’s just too many titles, mounts, and armor appearances now.

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Yeah but when I use the “Hand of Adal” title on my Paladins, I use it because Adal is a pretty cool dude.

Then - people whisper me :

“AMGooGoo! Adal is so rad! How can I get that title for MY Paladin?”

And I get the satisfaction of saying :

“Oh no, honey child. You can not.”

But that never happens, except in your imagination, be honest.

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The only title I care about is my own. :man_shrugging: Legend of Pandaria.

As someone with a legendary cloak from MoP, that whole questline should have never been removed, in my opinion.

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No it has happened. I am more polite about it. People ask how to get the title, and I say it is unavailable.

it is so not happening ever
because it is much faster to type “hand of adal, wow” in google
than ask you