I think it’d be a major improvement if PvP had some sort of actual talent trees, maybe not as complex as class and spec trees, but more complex than the current pick three system where you take two to make your spec function, and the third is sort of optional. So really what we currently have is a pick one system.
I definitely feel like how pvp talents are handled could use a revamp since they were introduced when we had entirely different talent systems. In too many cases, there are mandatory pvp talents that basically serve to make a spec viable at all, leaving them with less opportunity to take more interesting pvp talents.
Hot take maybe, but I also feel like M+ should have its’ own talent system similar to pvp talents that lets classes have access to a lot of the ‘micro CC’ that’s become quite unpleasant in pvp, as well as a lot of the baked in cleave damage that some classes can’t avoid using which makes CC that breaks on damage a lot less viable in BGs.
Then we can revert the CC duration nerfs from DF.
Something hero talent sized but spec specific could be nice. From looking at Rets pvp talents and other specs, there is definitely some imbalance in strength from current pvp talent options available. I also know many Ret pvp talents are 50%-80% nerfed versions of what we had in Shadowlands. More player character customization would be nice. Some specs for the purpose of battleground sized group content don’t change pvp talents much. Players are allowed 3 and choose the 3 they like best without changes for years in many specs cases.
What would you want to see in these pvp specific talent trees outside of current pvp talent options? Instant mobility for specs that lack it? MS for specs that lack it? Knockbacks and other movement of enemies abilities for specs without it? Or maybe your thinking of ways to augment the things specs can already do?
NO, they shouldn’t even have pvp talents. It only confuses things more for new people and adds to ability bloat - which pvp suffers enough from mythic+ class design
I go back and forth on this. As you can see from Stormspellz and Snowcrest, some want to keep the game cohesive, but my current view—and this is coming from someone who’s trying to do both m+ and some PvP this xpac—is that endgame activities should be split up more. They rub up against each other in bad ways, as you pointed out.
A little off-topic, but I think this goes for gear as well. Raids and m+ should have separate sets of gear that scale higher in their respective instances, while PvP gear could maybe have its own tier bonuses that don’t change between seasons.
I’ve been thinking about this too. There really should be some new PvP talents added for BGs, especially now that Blitz is a thing.
For my part I want to keep the idea general, but have at it if you want.
I get this.
Though in my ideal fantasy world which will never come to fruition, things would be a bit more like vanilla in that some specs are just PvE specs and some are just PvP specs (at least as far as being competitively viable). Obviously this was never universal across all classes, but you would have stuff like Fire mage is purely built for PvE and frost is purely built for PvP. Or fury for PvE, arms for PvE.
Again, pure fantasy because it would totally upend the way they handle everything at this point. But it would probably make things a lot easier if they weren’t running around trying to make everything viable in everything.
Would paladins get to have both Ret and Holy be viable, since they’re different roles? If not, is it fair that the viable spec for all hybrids would probably be the healing spec? If yes, both Ret and Holy are viable, is that fair to the guy who likes the berseker theme and wants to PvP, and is stuck with Arms? Those are the cons. The pros are that less variables would make the game way easier to design and balance.
But yea, probably a fantasy. We’re stuck with the good and bad of making everything viable.
But how many pvp specific tools are avaliable to a spec vary wildly. Like MS, enemy relocation, instant mobility, CC, invisibility, invisibility detection, and how they function for pvp is not near equal across specs. Gotta pick what you think will work for you and roll with it., from spec choice all the way down to pvp talent choice.