Should PUGS fight Premades?

Solo queuers are supposed to suffer by design, nothing is broken

This this this this this

Welcome to Classic. You thought you wanted it but you sure as hell don’t.

Don’t queue solo, make friends.

Weird how you’re still playing with others when you pug.

A blue post was already dug up that stated pre-made verses pugs was not the intent and that changes needed to be made.

Except blizzard has been willing to make changes to account for differences in play style already.


The game is broken. That’s my opinion. You can have yours.

Don’t tell me what to do either. You assume I have no friends? You’re basically trolling at this point.

Nope make it pug vs pug premade vs premade this is a issue

All you guys ever say is match pre made vs premade. Simple. But completely disregard the fact that premades come in all different sizes. If you split them, you only get full man premade. No such thing as a 10 man premade. 5 people won’t get in from the solo queue since they are split. No 7 man premades for wsg either. But solo queuers will be happy with that as they expect this partial premades to carry them as they do now when they solo queue. Bots afkers and leeches will be happy with any change that they think will bring in more high rankers to their games to carry them. If anything does happen, it’ll be after the release of aq and pvp gear will be mute by then.

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Yep and they can use a system like overwatch which matches similar sized premades then fills in the blanks with pugs. Once again simple.

You do realize that there aren’t enough similar sized premades to make it worth the wait in a queue. If it gets filled in with pugs, that means the queues aren’t split. So your not matching pug vs pug. Your solution sounds a lot like retail, which since you are posting on your retail toon, is ———-> that way

Well no you would be matching pug+premade vs pug+premade which would be acceptable over matching full premades vs full pug groups.

They can’t make that change mr “entitled person who rolled an oversaturated class on an overpopulated faction and expects to solo queue for all his gear”. If pugs only fought pugs the horde pugs would quite likely never see a queue pop. Alliance aren’t pugging because those games are about as unfair as premade vs pug. Our short q’s encourage nothing but bots, afks, and leeches while your q’s weed them out.

Furthermore, we did the math last night and you’ll be sitting in a MINIMUM 1 hour queue for AB/WSG pug vs pug. That doesn’t work for most of the horde soloers.

The fact of the matter is, the premade situation cant be resolved as long as faction balance is as poor as it is.

Reroll or deal with it you’ll find no sympathy here.

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you clap back at a premade, you get put down, brosky.

Most people’s definition of a premade is anything that requires a raid to queue. If 7 people queue for wsg but only 5 make it in for whatever reason (dc, afk, etc) your still going to be put against another premade that likely has 10 in their premade. Sounds a lot like pug vs premade to me

It’s always the same people complaining that in the version of the game that classic, the least solo friendly expansion of all of WoW, famous for Raid or Die, Group or Die, that are insisting on breaking premades (yes a seperate queue breaks premades) so their solo experience can be better.

On a project that was pretty clear about design intentions from the get-go, they want to fundamentally change the PvP meta to suit their solo playstyle because they can’t be arsed/don’t like grouping. And then they justify it by saying “well that design idea was stupid, they never should have done it, and besides some changes have happened so why not more?”.

You think you do, but you don’t couldn’t be more correct. Some of us knew what we were getting into.

That’s an edge case where for whatever some people in a premade drop not a normal situation and for that matter something that happens to premades today anyways and is not a situation worth worrying about.

So you are ok with playing with a premade then? It’s just that you can’t find one? Also defeats the purpose of having this system. Solo queuers queue to face solo queues not another premade

The first part I don’t care, I expect the teams to be relatively balanced in terms of premades/pugs. If my team is all pugs I expect the other team to be all pugs, if both teams have say a 5 man premade and the rest pugs that’s fine too.

Second part isn’t relevant.

It’s not relevant but it’s true. There isn’t a way to really implement it that doesn’t take us directly to retail. Are you playing to rank, or playing to pvp? Would you be fine if this so called system of solo queueing didn’t provide honor or rep?

Group with them.