Should Jaina be held accountable for war crimes for her murderous purge of innocent Blood Elves in Dalaran?

He certainly felt as though they did.

Of course that is why… It is all about narrative.

Her only crime is that she didn’t completely wipe out the Horde.

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Would you stick around till death if you had the power to just peace out? Unlike the warchiefs who choose to fight to the death Jaina isn’t stupid.

Nah, I just hoped atleast one of our 10-30 guys could just interrupt her teleport and allow us all to finish her off. Alas, plot armor does grant all kinds of immunities.

Horde can have jaina. She is all yours.

Her failings as a leader have become apparent in SL. Extradition granted.

Jaina is basically going I can’t cast the 5000 spells of doom I have whipped out on the fly to whoop dat butt in the past. It might hurt Anduin.

Umm…Jaina, the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the 1. If you Knocked this dude out the box at the tree by actually being in the tree…we’d be in a much better position here.

Also I tire of busting my butt for crap pay to save the world to see her butt drop the ball. Same for most of our “leaders”.

Horde would know all about Plot armor they get it till its time to kill a warchief or just get it cause they are… Hot.

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Good luck against her plot armor and me

I say she didn’t do enough . Varian should have taken her advice and dismantled the horde at MoP. She should have eliminated all the Blood elves :rage:

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Lor’themar does a fine job of that already. They take care of this themselves.

we go to war Blood elves!


Because an undead banshee, or an orc in the past, both clearly unstable AF said so. good enough for me, good enough for you. Any questions?

Yeah…how do I get out of this chicken crap outfit?

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Actually, the shop keepers were a simple matter of “If you are not with us, you are against us” they killed the shop keepers for the simple reason that they did not want to partake in the slaughter.

Most shopkeepers in the Magus Commerce Exchange have sided with the Silver Covenant, but there remain a few holdouts that must be taken care of.

  • Unfair Trade

This one was an outright, discriminatory slaughter of a different group of people.

What the Alliance fail to take note of, is how Jaina’s offer of ‘leave or be imprisoned’ was only given to Aethas Sunreaver, out of earshot of any other Sunreaver member because she outright killed the two Sunreavers who accompanied Aethas.

The Sunreavers who would likely take the offer of leaving was instead greeted with this

Compliant Sunreavers will be sent to the Violet Hold. Defiant ones are put to the sword.

NONE are to escape.

The Sunreavers keep their dragonhawk mounts on Krasus’ Landing. Take this dust, and use it to render them incapable of flying.

Or kill them. I don’t care.

  • Nowhere to Run

Thus far, the purge of Dalaran was a senseless bloodbath, intentionally designed by Jaina Proudmoore. Dalaran has, likewise, been a home to many of the Blood Elves who were members of the Sunreaver branch. What Jaina basically did, was kicking people out of their homes because some of Garrosh’ personal agents infiltrated and used the guise of the Sunreaver organisation to further his goals.

It was a discriminatory act with intended bloodlust from both Jaina and the Silver Covenant. Meanwhile Rommath who came to save the the Sunreavers, preferred to stay clear of as many Silver Covenant as possible, not wanting the Horde champion to slaughter more elves of Quel’thalas.

The quest showed the absolute love that the Blood Elves carry for their kingdom and it’s people as a whole, and the crazy, violent, bloodthirsty tendecies of the few still calling themselves High Elves.

But at the end of the day, the name ‘Blood Elves’ was taken on as a sign of love for their people, so it makes sense that the ones who chose to stick with the name were the ones who would love and care most for their people, while the ones who did not choose to take on the name, showed disinterest and apathy towards the plight of their own people.