Should i roll troll dk or stay as an orc dk

I want inputs please on racials and lore reasons.

I like the look of both honestly

I maimed a troll for the two expansions and they are my favorite horde class.
But Orcs look great in plate.

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Well I’m not biased or anything but


The DPS differences based on race are too close to care. So make your choice based on preference.


Racials don’t make much of a difference anymore, if anything a 0.00001% dps difference between troll and orc. Just pick which you think looks cooler.

Your DPS is going to come down to however many RNG procs of whatever weird thing they add like corruption to shadowlands, your racial won’t matter.

In BFA i could pop every racial in the entire game, full dps for 10 seconds, and if you proc twilight destruction randomly it did 10x more damage.

Just play what you like lol

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I absolutely adore the love and attention that the Trolls got with the Pre-Patch customizations. Orcs come some TLC, but I feel the Trolls just got elevated on a whole other level.

Both have very solid racials with Orc getting a lower stun/CC timer and increased dmg buff

Trolls have a haste buff and can passively heal faster.

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Imagine. Place yourself in the middle of Arathi Basin. Everyone is fighting and killing each other, but you see a lone Troll Death Knight in the corner of your eye.

He is just standing there.






(And there’s nothing you can do about it.)


You want a Mechagnome DK. The racials are amazing.



I actually lol’d


“Oh, we’re still fighting? Allow me to turn up the heat.

I have no idea why but I legit busted out laughing at this.


On a side note, I never liked worgens that much, but the new pure white in the barbershop looks clean AF


It’s likely because in hindsight the racial is so inconsequential in practice that you have to ask why. (Also comedy is all about execution and death knights began at the business end of it.)


It’s like they never once changed it since vanilla wow

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I play alliance, but I think Orcs really look badass as DK.


Trolls look bad in plate (imo), but thematically Trolls are very cool DKs

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Stay orc, now that that’s done let’s focus on the real problem of the day. Should I start my day off before I take a :poop: or after? Both options are open for debate and I’m looking for some guidance from the wow forum goers as to which is better.


May I offer Mag’har Orcs as an alternative? Similar racials but they have some visible differences and you can clean at least one corruption from your body.

Also trolls can’t stand upright or they’d be the most powerful beings in Azeroth. That’s why Orcs got the fix and they didn’t.


the actual performance is close enough for it to not be a factor. with that aside I find Orcs looks miles better in plate armor then the trolls do so they would be my choice for sure. obviously to each their own.

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If you can pinch the cheeks and wait till you get to work, I highly recommend holding it.

Better to drop the payload and get paid for it then doing it for free.

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