Should i roll troll dk or stay as an orc dk

The walls in the office are paper thin, so it becomes a group effort vs a solo game play.

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Thats ok. Perhaps their words of encouragement and cheering might help assist in a smooth drop off


I’ll risk it and see where it goes, live to be dangerous.

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Racials don’t mean too much anymore. Unless you’re aiming to do bleeding edge content where every scrap of dps means something, I wouldn’t worry about that.

As far as looks go, I think trolls look better than orcs in most situations, except in situations where plate is a needed thing. In my personal opinion, orcs just look so good in plate that it might be worth being an orc DK over anything else.

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Also female orc in orcs look amazing in plate

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Serious as serious can get, back when I initially started in Vanilla, I picked a human warrior. I didn’t care about the racials. I just wanted to be represented as accurately as possible. Nowadays, racials seem to matter for some reason, but it never hurts to go back to thinking the choice doesn’t matter. You’ll be doing the same stuff classwise. Pick what is most comfortable to you. Go for the environment and how the race looks.

 Do it for the fun of it instead of treating it like a life and death decision, since after you get to level 50, everything is going to just be death decisions.

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Forsaken DK. You are a human who was killed by the scourge and raised as an undead. Later freed by Sylvanas from the LK’s control only to be killed again by the scourge and raised again by the LK.


Start a troll death knight. If you like it, keep playing it. If you don’t, safely return to your orc.

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Blood Elf. They’re beautiful, graceful and savage AF

clean setup
pure arguement

Troll DK for pvp for player irony. Troll pvp as a troll.