Should I reroll?

Picked a class that’s not too popular because someone in my group wanted to play a mage. Now I feel like I’m not enjoying what I picked because I should have just played what I wanted. I’m 28 now and just keep playing it out of sheer momentum/inertia. Should I bite the bullet and reroll now?

All classes are useful at 60. If you’re having fun with it, don’t reroll


If you’re not having fun, then you probably won’t have much more fun at 60. Don’t delete but maybe try other classes. There’s no rush to hit cap.


If what you want to play is Druid, Shaman or Paladin and you don’t want to be a healer, then don’t. No one will want you end game.

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No I wanted to play a mage. Not having too much fun playing the class I picked.

I agree with Espur. If you’re not enjoying it then reroll what you like. 28 isn’t horribly far in and enjoyment will make leveling much better. I leveled at Paladin in 2004 and hated it so much that when I finally hit 60 I deleted it and rolled horde to get as far away from paladins as possible. Later in TBC I loved the paladin changes and made a new one, but I wish I hadn’t wasted my time getting a class I didn’t like to 60 at release. Hope this helps.

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Then reroll. It doesn’t matter if someone else wants to play one.


Laughs in Bear

What class are you playing? At level 28 you really don’t know how a class is going to play at 60 or how you are going to play it.

If the only reason he rolled the class he did was because someone else in his group was playing a Mage which he really wanted to play, I doubt he’ll enjoy it more at 60.


Hunter. Granted, it’s really fast and feels super strong soloing, but it’s just not the fun I was hoping for.

Vanilla class design is simple, so if you aren’t happy with your current class is better pick other one.
For some people, class fantasy can make up for gameplay, but if you aren’t ok with the class in any sense pick other.

its all about fun if your arnt enjoying the class re roll.

My class fantasy is Hunter. Wielding bow, and quiver on my back, and pets.

They destroyed my Hunter class fantasy on retail, the moment they turned hunter into some sort of Mage who can shoot arrows out of thin air.

I don’t know, you won’t really know whether you’ll enjoy playing a hunter at 60 unless you try. They do great in PvP and top damage in the early raids. Plus, that prevents any conflict in your group. Just my 2¢

Then try the other casters if Mage isn’t what you expected.

Shadow priest or warlock might be to your liking.

Maybe elemental shaman’ll do it

People just downed rag and onyxia sub 60 in greens, honestly who cares what you’re going to roll if you find a solid group you can play end game in almost every spec. Play what you enjoy

I think you misunderstood me. I played hunter because someone else in my group wanted to"be the mage."

This is a complete lie, people will want you. It will just be “hard” for you to aquire a spot.

Could keep going for a farming toon. I had a few back in the day, was usually my hunter and warrior that I farmed on ( I wasn’t a fan of tanking or dungeons on my warrior lol). Otherwise its never too late to start over. Don’t let the fear of missing out cause you to be miserable :slight_smile:

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