Should I reroll?

You think all the warriors running around at level 28 are super happy with the way their class plays? Not very many I assure you. They do it because they know when they are 60 it will be totally different and their perserverance will pay off.

I think you should try a different spec maybe but I don’t have a high opinion of mages. If you are doing pvp you should always own a mage as a hunter and in pve it plays the way anyhow. Try watching some hunter videos by Punkrat on YouTube and see if it changes your perspective. But if you want to reroll to one of the weaker classes you do you.

So you think hunters get the same reward?

Yes I do. Epsecially a Night Elf I’m assuming you’re alliance. Look up Rentakis Charm for hunter. Makes me salivate honestly. Not that hard to get either.

If you so choose to reroll that mage come play horde on Benediction with us in we would love to have ya and enjoy the classic experience with you!

Roll another toon, there’s no rush anyways just enjoy your ride :slight_smile:

Ugh, faction is another sore subject… Playing alliance scum so I can play with my friends :frowning:

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Reroll. If you don’t like it, you might not like other classes, but it’s better than not having fun at all.

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Reroll and play what you wanted to play in the first place. It’s a game - it’s a waste of your time if you’re not playing something you enjoy because someone else is playing that. There are still plenty of people around the starting zones, so don’t worry about being behind the curve.

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No worries my dude! Just doin my shameless plug! :smile:

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first rule of anything in life
ALWAYS pick what YOU want to enjoy

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I should just switch.

Yes re-roll. The objective of the game is to have fun. You can’t do that if you can’t get into the class/race combination you have.

You have my sympathy. Roll Horde and “look for them” in the BGs eventually.

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Switch/re-roll a Character, even if just for a few hours.

You will get the feeling of whether or not you will stick with the new Class in that time.
Worst case, you can always switch back to your higher level Class Character; and all you "lose " is a few hours of leveling it.


i rolled on one server in the hopes i could play with my friend and her guild. didn’t work out. so i deleted all my toons on that server. decided i didn’t like a different server. rerolled again. decided to ask my bff to make a toon with me and she picked the server i’m on right now. her names get taken more often than mine do. the server seems fine so far.

i’ve been having so much fun leveling/questing, leveling lw, i even did my fire totem quest today which i stubbornly waited about an hour to look up what i needed to do. but man was it fun. i love shaman and i’ve always wanted to main one but on retail i just couldn’t bring myself to because i had invested so much into my alliance pally and horde warlock (my mains.) but now i get to start fresh and do whatever i want. so resto shaman it is. :smiley:

There’s no harm in trying it at least. I rolled a lock on Stalagg during launch, got DC’ed, stuck in a 10 hour queue and rerolled a rogue on Sulfuras. Got it to 14, rerolled this lock, got it to 19, rerolled a warrior. Got it to 11, then went back to the lock. Now I am certain of what I want to be my main.

You can pick your friends and you can pick your nose, but you can’t pick your friend’s nose.

Sorry, had to do it. :roll_eyes:

Thanks for the advice guys, went ahead and did it. Level 6 so far and loving every minute!


It will only get worse as you go. The sooner you reroll, the sooner you will be a mage.


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