Should I make an orc or tauren warrior?

I like to moo.
But gear looks better on an orc.

Decisions, decisions.

wiggles toes


Orc. We don’t need any more walking steaks.

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Orc. About to race faction change my warrior to horde.

Whenever anyone is debating what race to make their warrior, I suggest listening to the yelling animations for the race. Warriors yell a ton, it’s just tied into most of their abilities (Rallying Cry, Ignore pain, Battle Shout, Intimidating Shout, Piercing Howl, Challenging Shout) and if you don’t like the yelling sound of the race you pick it can be less enjoyable.


Tauren because they have hooves


No it wasn’t an option was it?
We never are.


Go for Highmountain tauren, you will be a warbrave like Oro.


That explains why I’m having trouble getting this Human Warrior off the ground. Any suggestions for the Alliance Screamers?

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Only Alliance I ever played was a Worgen Prot Warrior, I thought they sounded fine. If you do a class trial I think you can get a pretty good handle on how they sound.

BRB, gonna check which Alli warrior sounds the least dopey.


Your country thanks you for your service.

WE always need more portable steaks…

Not sure if I’ve ever had bear meat. I wonder what it tastes like… Russians? Canadians? What’s the verdict?

Well we’re Pandaren so I’d say we taste like cat.

Gnome. The answer is Gnome.


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I’d say I rather keep you around for your warm fuzzy coats and ample supply of body heat.

wiggles toes

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Maybe some nice thick socks?

I guess I will go orc. Zug Zug!

wiggles toes

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I’m bias but taurens are always great animation and yelling their fury!

Being chewed on by fleas 24/7 you have endless rage to give!

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I have discovered two things.

  1. That class intro should be skippable.
  2. Male Worgen sound the best IMO

(I didn’t try all of them necessarily but I have a pretty good hunch that female mechagnomes don’t inspire terror… unless that’s the direction you wanna go in which case go ahead.)