Should I go to a RP-PvP server?

I’ve never done any type of RP before, but it sounds interesting. Currently, I only play a few nights a week for a few hours. I would be Horde and I only want to concentrate on one toon (admitted alt-aholic).

I’m thinking Warlock (most likely Undead but Orc racial is OP), Undead Priest or Orc Hunter.

I do like healing in 5 man’s and BG’s.

Please help me with server location too. I’m on the west coast.

Deviate Delight has been delightful.


Check out Deviate Delight Promos on YouTube, and come join us on our realm!
Grobbullus is just another big PvP server experience. It has a few big RP guilds, but overall it is historically a place where a bunch of people went only to get away from queues, not to enjoy RP-PvP exp. Check out Deviate Delight Subreddit and forum page too, before you transfer. We’ll be happy to have you on our realm! :unicorn:


Just putting this out there:

Bloodsail Buccanneers has PvP too even though its a PvE server and you specifically mentioned BGs which can be done on a PvE server and without worrying about open world pvp disruptions.

@BB,its about the most RP central you could get in Classic,and if you are alting and taking a tour, that would be a good place to assess the RP scene, in general.

Not intending to take away from the fun people at DD, by the way. I’d pick them over Grobb, too.


Should you go RP-PvP? If you enjoy the PvP ruleset, and you’d prefer to see a little bit less of names like “Ikillyoudie”, an RP-PvP realm can be a good choice. There is no mandate that you must RP, even if there are a few people who will try to discourage non-RPers from even considering the realm.

Grobbulus is the West Coast realm, BUT it was also originally the only RP-PvP realm, so it has the much higher population and a lot of East Coast players. For many people the latency difference isn’t meaningful.

You could just make one character on each (Deviate Delight and Grobbulus) at the typical time you’d be playing, and head to the main city to get a feel for the crowd, the General and Trade chatter, the number of players of different levels. Join the LFG channel (the Blizzard one you can find in the chat pane settings) and see how active it is and what dungeons.

NOTE: These don’t have to be the character you’ll ultimately play - they’re simply scouts to see which realm feels more like a good future home.

Also, we do have realm forums:

(And there are Discords. I only belong to the Grobbulus one.)

I tried RP back in vanilla and it didn’t go well. First off, some people lost their minds about my name Musketeer. “MUSKETEER ISN’T A NAME! IT’S A TITLE!! YOU’RE RUINING OUR RP!!!” I tried to explain that I had a solid backstory as to why I’m called Musketeer but there were always those that threatened to report me. On top of that, not too many people actually RP’d. Some even made fun of the ones who tried.

I guess it all depends on the realm but my experience left a bad taste in my mouth and I’ve never had the desire to try it again.

If they were any good at RP then they would just have you as a generic ‘musketeer’ incorporated into the story :open_mouth:

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Pretty much this. I play alliance on Deviate Delight, and it’s really the second best RP PVP server (MISS YOU VECO).

Definitely has more of the RP flavor than Grobbulus does.

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Oh lord what a world this would be if we’re mortal enemies here and actually got along on DD.

It would almost be like two regular humans playing a game and choosing what they prefer. Which is why I’ve said 100x saying “ally” and “horde” always … is the dumbest thing everyone does on this game.

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The hardest part about RP is filtering out the elitists who demand control over everyone else’s fun.

Luckily, they nearly universally make themselves very apparent.

Don’t sweat it if people don’t like how you RP. It’s very simple stuff, pretend you are the character you are playing, and speak/act as you think they would in /say and around others.

You don’t need an add-on, you don’t need a back story to submit to inspection, just play the character when you feel like it.


I have been on Grobbulus since the beginning and really enjoy it as an RPer. I would not encourage joining unless you’re interested in doing so, but if you are it’s great fun. As others have said, make an alt on both Deviate Delight and Grobbulus then pick which one you like more.


Just a note (not to take away from OP’s thread) but threads just devolve into faction hate.

Genuinely, I’d like to see improvements but getting them across on this forum just is not productive. Hopefully we have partied and had a good time doing so. (I mostly solo due to work hours)

My only struggle on RP servers is I’m not great at story arcs. I prefer tavern style RP.

Like, my character has a personality, backstory etc;. But, I am not good at the long drawn out stories and conclusions.

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I agree with your approach but

trp3 (classic version available)

is awesome.

You can distinguish personalities quick, and best of all, the backstories are often really fun and immersive. Chat flavor is also nice.

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I avoid that stuff myself, I understand.

Yeah, grobb is a bad server. Don’t roll here.


There’s a mage that sells polluted water here, as well.

And he gets away with it!

9/10 says it tastes fine?

What about the other one? What happened?!

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Not everyone on an RP server expects long drawn-out stories and conclusions. I find that more common with guilds, because there’s a somewhat consistent group to RP with.

This gal’s RP was mostly tavern RP via chat channels, and the only time there was a longer “story” was when certain other players were consistent and, over the course of many RP interactions, their stories began to intertwine. (She wound up unofficial adoptive mother of a pair of wild teenage human girls.)

Personally, I really don’t like face-to-face RP except in the looser sense of talking to others while we’re doing other things. (Standing in the AH or bank having a discussion while we do our business, sure. Stand around talking and emoting for two hours to have what would be a 15-minute discussion, I nope right out unless I really really enjoy the RP and the person I’m talking to.

And, sheesh, what is with the Grobb hate? People should be talking about WHY they think their own realm is appealing, not bashing Grobbulus as if that makes their realm better.

Sometimes when you have something good going you try to make others think it is crap in the hope of them not showing up and ruining it.