Should I go to a RP-PvP server?

I have been on an rppvp server for awhile now in retail. I also have a toon in classic on one and I do like the server and love the guild I am in but the Horde has a better racial so playing it more than playing my toon on the RPPvP server. The only thing that I can say about the servers I have been on is there can be more drama than non rp servers and sometimes it is over the top lol. So if have no issue with that then go for it if it is busy and fun!

It’s been a long standing thing. Once Deviate Delight was released the Grobbulus forum got swarmed with poachers and bad mouthers.

Not the best way to start a new server rep.

I am on Grobb on Alliance. I see drama but have not seen most of the stuff I read here on the forums. Meh…maybe make a level 1, log into server and find somebody non partisan and truthful to speak with :stuck_out_tongue:

I think the Grobbo hate is simply because it’s ED 2.0. More PVP than RP, and there’s a much larger PVP community.

Combine that with The Enclave stuff and yeah…

DD is more like old school venture co, which was that slightly smaller, closer knit RP. With both factions working together to make the server good.


Grobbulus is about 50/50 faction ratio, deviate delight is heavily alliance.


In my ventures there I’ve seen a healthy dose of everyone. Horde are as active as the Alliance are.

Grobb is more like 55-60 Horde, 40-45 Alliance. We were more balanced P1 but it’s been getting worse. We really don’t need more Horde right now if we’re going to maintain any sense of balance in a game where every other server is already heavily Horde leaning.

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There are more active 60s on alliance than there are horde 60s.

Grob is the westcoast server, we are higher pop then DD. As for RP-PVP servers people aren’t to strict about it, just don’t have a name like “GANKUAXAXAXA” etc most people wont’ care. People are less eliteist by nature on these servers, so you’ll run into less min maxers, try hards but they’re still more chill then most I.E not dropping in18 hour shifts into the game normally. Most people are generally nice if you rolled ally i’d help you but obv you aren’t. 5 man gank squads on Ally / Horde are common.

If you’re more looking for more guild focused RP i hear horde has more guilds for it. Ally tends to have a lot of small RP guilds you gotta find and minor walk up’s etc. a lot of people here are also new to RP as well.

Grob ratio is 51: 49 as far as we know atm. But Ally are more passive, and raid log a lot more it seems.

Not according to the census addon people run. Last 7 days says we are 53% Horde, 47% Alliance at 60, which is an increase from the last 30 days which was only 51/49.

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Grobb is full of horde bots and alliance nudists. Don’t go there

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Grobbulus is the worst. For the sake of your sanity, #AVOID