Should I go DPS until I get gear?

I didn’t use a blanket statement though. Was just correcting yours. Even this shaman who you told to get more gear said he’s won the majority of Bgs.

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If thats so then why did he come in here asking the question of getting gear? If he is achieving wins and not a detriment to his team with this current setup then why would he GAF about ilvl?

skill > gear.

The difference in trying to take down a good healer vs a bad one is huge. Gear alone does not protect you. I’ve went against immortal healers sub 200k hp that could survive 1v2s for what seemed like forever and have also solo destroyed healers with 300k hp this patch.

Knowing how to play your class efficiently is much more important than getting gear. Gear just compliments skill. It doesn’t replace it.

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He answered that question in his follow up.

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If he is able to stay hidden in the backlines and does not get focused he will be fine. Healers always are prime targets though. Kill order is healers, cart/orb/flag holder, anyone attacking your healer. The rest is just if its red its dead.

My own team was nagging me. That’s why I’m here asking. I’m winning games and capping flags. I’m an old school BGer and I read the map, communicate, and adjust based on circumstance. You and I should play together.


I hardly ever do BGs anymore tbh. Getting stuck with teams who do the exact opposite of “read the map, communicate, and adjust based on circumstance” really drags me down. Doesn’t help that my guild is dead and my BTAG list is empty, leading to soloqueue.

Don’t worry, I’ve even see geared healers being blamed for losses.

Healers always get the blame. Most of the time by some idiot dps who run into 5 ppl and expect the healer to bail him out.

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Come join us on Stormrage. I joined this guild in the last week and people jump in my quick queue frequently enough. Plus I’m literally winning games as an undergear dumpster class.

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Just exchange btags. Don’t even need to be on the same server since everything is cross server.

Resto shammy is dumpster? I thought it was the safest one to survive the melee train express most heals are subjected to.

Asked about us in the class forum, they told me to reroll a druid.

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RSham are getting buffs tomorrow fyi:

Yuck. They are upping destro lock damage and lowering the azerite traits that protect people from getting blown up.

That’s more for pve. I wouldn’t expect it to stay that way in pvp for long.

It’s hard to tell right now. Lock damage was already getting insane in pvp yet they didn’t put a 5% pvp nerf on them.

If you look on arenamate, Udk are way up there number wise and getting a pvp hotfix tomm. I’m betting fmage and destro are next after they see how these changes go.

Yea but waiting for 6 weeks to fix something that’s obvious now isn’t really that good though.

This whole “let it develop organically” is dumb.

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Video Game companies have too many engineers and not enough philosophers. They don’t get how these things work. Not many people can do the hard skills, so we all think they’re genius. Too many people can “do” the soft skills so we think they’re invaluable.

And then you get this…

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