Should I buy a PS5

I was thinking of buying a ps5, should I?

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I bought a PS4 for the exclusives. They were alright but I still used my PC for most things.

But I also don’t own a TV so ultimately I’d be plugging my PS4 into my monitors most of the time and that felt kinda redundant?

I personally have zero interest in getting a PS5, especially since consoles are having their exclusives become cross platform more and more.

only if you have interest in single player games

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Depends on if you’re chasing certain exclusives.

It does load games very fast. You may have storage issues if you like games like CoD, since they’re about 100gs to download these days.

Worth it for Bloodborne


i could see a ps5 being a good thing for someone without a computer but ive never been into any consoles ever since i could get a computer.

maybe for some couch gaming when a buddy comes over? i wouldnt know about that :wink:

I love my PS5, but i love single player story driven games. If you do buy a PS5, you won’t need to buy any games for a while because you get a bunch of games for free to get you started (God of War, Uncharted 4 etc).

Not a fan of consoles. I have a switch and a GameCube purely to play only smash.


should you buy? no.
Should you obtain. yes.
find a deal. get it cheap. dont pay a premium. acquire through methods.

I stopped buying consoles after I got a PS4 and realized I never play it enough to justify the cost.

I usually try to do the $1 a hour rule for video games…and I never played my PS4 anywhere near enough to break even.

xbox one x is the move

Worth it just for South Park: The Fractured But Whole

Eric tells his mom that red legos are lava, and then upon entering the room again, she’s on the phone with the police expressing concern that her son said she’d burn to death

The kids have to get into a strip club on a mission and have to poison an employee with chemicals and rat poo

There’s button triggers for farting sounds and a green gas cloud and everyone in town responds differently; collectables aplenty and dirty jokes from bosses like Jared Fogle are a plus

The game was epic loot

I just really want my play to have no limits.

If you can very comfortably afford it and have no fears about regretting the purchase, go for it.

Honestly, it depends. Most games now and days you can buy off of steam it’s only worth it if youre playing a single player game. That’s all I ever use my PS4 for.

you can play halo on the other one, just saying

I was super down on consoles after playing my ps4 a ton for overwatch, although in hindsight I really wish I had just picked it up on PC. Not only does PC run it better (it’s still incredibly smooth though for how fast paced it is) but the controls matter at upper tier play (flick aiming, etc). It’s just much easier to perform optimally on a PC if you grind ladders and it shows in cross play now.

I did buy a switch last year and have fallen in love with it. Animal crossing, breath of the wild, and the Mario games are all good fun for short periods of downtime.

We use the ps4 to watch videos and movies mostly now. So I still use it regularly. It’s held up very well.

partner like mario 64, anyway to play that on something newer than an N64 console?

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I like my ps5. If you can afford it I’d definitely recommend getting one.

How many games in the playstation library do you want to play? If the answer is a lot, then you should look into it. Also I would look at how much money you are looking to spend into that venture.

PS5 price is say $750.
Average game price is $60. But we will knock off $10 to adjust for some sales.
Lets say there is 15 games you want to play. $750

So you are into the system for $1500.00 just to play the games you want. If that seems worth it to you, then go for it.