Should I buy a Nintendo switch?

Last of us 2 sold 11million copies, ps4 sold 117m consoles. To help your argument out, lets just say there are 90m~ or so ps4s out there subtracting multiples per households and repeat buyers, broken units etc

That leaves about 7 out of every 8 ps4 owners who dont live in your reality where your interactive movie simulator was worth buying, have a nice day~

:dizzy: :rabbit:

I think they took some of the praise folks gave Legends Arceus and are making notes of that for Scarlet and Violet.

Good. Gamefreak was getting kinda lazy and needed to get scared for a moment.

You’re not exactly arguing in good faith, the PS4 was released in 2013 and you’re trying to equate the sales of a game that came out in 2020, given that the vast majority of PS4 sales happened before the game even became available, it doesn’t make much sense to use it as a point of comparison.

You’d probably be better off comparing something like the Uncharted series because there has been an installment of that so called “walking simulator” game available all throughout each of the Sony Playstation’s lifecycle. That series has sold over 40 million copies because it has been around as long as the hardware has.

Perhaps another comparison would be The Last of Us Part I and II because that would cover the entire PS4’s existence. I think combined they have sold something like 30 million units. It isn’t really about individual titles anyway, Sony’s strength has been in their entire lineup of single player story driven games so in order to have this conversation, we’d need to include Spiderman, Ghost of Tsushima and all of the other so called “walking simulators”.

You won’t win any kind of argument like this when all you want to do is bash on award winning single player franchises that have been the main contributing factor in Sony’s success over the last generation.

You’re entitled to not like them and that’s perfectly fine, but i think it’s pathetic to attack somethings overall success just because it isn’t your cup of tea.

I dunno, I bought a Swicth specifically for Metroid Prime 4. That didn’t turn out so well.

I will say Zelda BotW is an amazing game. Worth the cost of a Switch? Mmm, probably not but there are a lot of quite good games on it.

And if Nintendo ever actually does release an enhanced Metroid Prime trilogy, then definitely.

As far as Metroid Prime 4, who knows. Could be in limbo forever.

I don’t think sword and shield was a question of direction. It was just pure laziness and cutting corners.

At this point, you already know it’s going to the next system.

wiggles toes

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Least ya’ll got Metroid Dread to chew on til then. I haven’t played it yet but I have it

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I haven’t bought if yet. I’m a slacker.

wiggles toes

See I slack AFTER I get games sometimes lol.

I tend to take forever with starting new things because I don’t like that “What if its a disappointment?” ping of fear.

The older I get, the less time for games I have. That’s okay though. I enjoy when I do get to play them. Been playing Kingdom Come deliverance.

wiggles toes

Except for the trial I haven’t played Dread either.
I have the new Samus Returns on 3DS and Dread felt quite similar. I will get Dread at some point though.

What happened to cause this issue with me was just a barrage of feeling bummed with new games I really really was excited for

Mass Effect 3
Bioshock Infinite
The Darkness 2

That triple barrage kinda messed with me a little ( Yeah I know it sounds silly )

I was thinking about getting the DMC collection for my switch. But
. I simply don’t have the time for them at the moment.

wiggles toes

They might still be on sale. I’d just get the games while they’re cheap. For later.

I played the first game ages ago when it came out. I wasn’t great at it but I liked it. Even now that series is just a “watch instead of play” thing for me lol. Like how I can’t play No More Heroes because of my carpal tunnel but I still love it

I could always play them on the PC. I just need a controller that was made for adult hands.

that’s totally doable with how controllers can just pop into any usb nowadays.

Man when I first started playing monster hunter on the switch I had a freaking death grip on my switch. I briefly had trigger finger for like a month because of it. The game was just fun and I couldn’t stop

Wish we could get a remake of Capcom vs SNK 2. My brother and I would play that for hours sipping on beers.
wiggles toes

I’ve only been okay at one fighting game. Bloody Roar Primal Fury. Anything else I just button mash XD

I like watching others play them

I did that in mortal kombat, but Capcom games had a unique style that carried over well since the street fighter 2 days.

Thankfully I don’t feel all that outta place just watching folks play fighting games like Maximilian Dood.

I just see it like how you don’t gotta play an actual physical sport to enjoy watching it.

That and cmon Killer Instincts music is THAT good