Should Hero Talents be cosmetic/class fantasy only?

We just got away from the Shadowlands abilities that stood out egregiously in kits- but which people felt forced to take (I’m looking at you, Kyrian spear).

How will you feel if you’re excited to play Dark Ranger spec; only to find out it’s considered the worst option and non-viable for whatever your main content is?

I would love for this to be a thing where anyone can choose the fantasy that resonates with them and not have it affect performance/decide whether they’re able to get group invites.


I feel like no one really read the article. Also, I don’t want my talent system to be transmog. I want talents. Not sparkles and colors.

I encourage people to read this:


It’s not about reading what devs think looks good on paper. A lot of things in DF looked good on paper but are terrible in-game.
You have a lot of faith in them getting this right :dracthyr_lulmao:


I don’t remember any articles like what I posted. Nor do I remember anything “looking good on paper and being terrible in game” that they went into detail over their completely hashed out concepts.

But hey, don’t read, stay in the dark and just be negative, I guess.


Don’t need articles exactly like what you’ve posted. They always have grand ideas, especially about next xpac features, and how they aim for them to be amazing, but what sounds great right now, and what we end up with after alpha + beta tuning, and what’s almost guaranteed to be feedback that never gets taken seriously before release – this is what I’m talking about.

I’m not in the dark and not being overly negative, I’m just musing on what always seems to happen with their best intentions. I will gladly eat my words if Hero Talents end up how this article describes them.


Do I want hero talents to be useless, gameplay wise, and talents to stagnate for an expansion?



Hero talents should be gameplay only

Sick of this catering to the people that don’t understand their class.

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hero talents should be a stepping stone to sub classes/spec

Sure whatever.

Exactly. Talent trees aren’t meant to be cosmetic.

If they want to add class skins as cosmetic options at some point, that’s an entirely different animal.

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I’ll just wait and see how it plays out, it’s really hard to judge anything on what they say because it’s just PR, and intentions often don’t translate into how content actually plays out.


I’m just amazed they advertise these things as a major expansion feature when the bulk of them no one is even going to notice because of tuning passes lol.

Probably. They’d be impossible to balance even for a team that’s good at balancing things, much less this one.


Devs shouldn’t mix player power and player fantasy, some players like the fantasy around several class skins or classes that were part of previous games like WC3 or characters like Sylvanas, Maiev…etc, meanwhile other players like the min/max value.

For example, I went to the SL Blizzcon announcement and most players were talking about the demo test and the previews like hogwarts houses, players liked the idea of being part of a specific covenant, then the alpha/beta hit the PTR and you only see guides about using 4 characters of the same class for each coveannt, so you could min/max if X/Y covenant was the best.

That lead to the whole “Pul the ripcord” request because Players wanted to min/max covenants for Arena, BG, Raid, M+…etc but Devs decided to do this as a meaningful choice.

It’s covenants again for a lot of players.

Talents have always been class fantasy. I don’t even know how to respond to this. And everyone keeps constantly praising Artifact weapons from Legion, which were talent trees with player power.

No. It’s not. Like… not at all. Not… at all. I can’t even wrap my head around how “locked to covenant that isn’t class fantasy” translates to “able to constantly swap around talent points that are part of your class and spec.”

shakes head

Seriously mind boggling how you even made that jump.


Ultimately I guess we will see how the Hero Talent system works when Alpha and Beta hit. Right now people are doing knee-jerk reactions based on what some content creators are saying that play on their own worst fears.

Admittedly, Blizzard haven’t always had a great history of balancing systems but I guess we can only wait and see if what they are saying matches what they are doing.

Because talents were just a small effect, We’re talking about player perception when they heard something like “Dark Ranger”, there’s players that imagine a whole new set of changes beyond a couple of talents.

Continuing the discussion from What Should Cosmetic Glyphs Look Like? + Class Skins!:

Council thread about * What Should Cosmetic Glyphs Look Like? + Class Skins! back in 2022.

You’re thinking about only the talents…you need to read the room for a lot of players that like fantasy, that’s why there’s a lot of confusion and some players that don’t trust Blizzard balance, then they’re pushed to play a set of talents that´s the best but it’s not their fantasy.

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I played necrolord Affliction Warlock and that was suffering for class fantasy until I eventually broke and went night fae (only for pre-nerf Decimating Bolt+Drain Soul to come back briefly as a bug in Fated).

Only thing similar between covenants and hero talents is that they have a similar, linear layout as Soulbinds.

That said, cosmetics should be glyphs while talents provide power. In that line, we want more glyphs.

Patiently waiting to see which 8 tree previews they decide to grace us with. My bet is at least one is another druid.

Uh… no?? Talents are ALL of your player power.

What you just said isn’t player perception, it’s mind bogglingly incorrect information.

You do know that I addressed class skins, which have NOTHING to do with talent points, right?

Oh, so you didn’t read what I mentioned. Okay, look… you aren’t talking about talents here. You’re talking about something entirely separate.

The name of a talent tree is irrelevant to class skins if they ever do them.

I wasn’t talking about player power, I was talking about the class fantasy, what you see from a talent or another.

that’s the fear of a lot of players, that now they do hero talents and never class skins, a lot of players wanted class skins and they’re relating the names to that.